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Bernie, for some reason, hated Olivia. She never told Olivia why, but Elliot knew why. She didn't like that Elliot had gotten a divorce from Kathy and moved on. And that he was now dating a pregnant woman that killed her husband. It would have been better for Bernie if Cleo was biologically Elliot's child, but since she isn't that made Bernie hate Olivia more. For the next month, Bernie ignored Olivia but made sure to talk about her behind her back.

"Elliot, I'm sorry but I can't deal with this," Olivia whispered when she finally broke. She had heard Bernie tell Maureen that Olivia wasn't to be trusted because she killed Chris. 

"Hey, what happened?" Elliot questioned gently, as he reached out and grabbed Olivia's hand before drawing her onto their bed.

"Your mother hates me." Olivia whimpered.

"She just has to-"

"She told Maureen that I can't be trusted because I killed Chris! She's been here for a month and all she says is bad things about me to the kids and to you! She always spits out whatever I make and when I walk away I hear her nasty comment about how I can't cook because I work too much..." Olivia sobbed. Elliot drew his girlfriend close before kissing her temple gently.

"I'll talk to her, Liv. I promise." Elliot spoke gently. He tucked Olivia in for the night and gave her his pillow to hold, before leaving the room. He headed down the hall and took the stairs slowly as he prepared to talk to his mother.

"Mo," Elliot spoke, as he walked into the kitchen. Maureen frowned as she looked at her dad before standing.

"Night, Grandma..." Maureen trailed off. She moved to her father and hugged him tightly before telling him that she was going to sit with Liv.

Once Maureen was upstairs, Elliot looked at his mother as he tried to keep his anger at bay.

"Ma, we need to talk." Elliot frowned.

"What do we need to talk about, honey?" Bernie asked with a smile.

"I need you to stop talking crap about Olivia."

"I haven't-"

"We have all heard you at one point or another. You tell the kids things that aren't true about Olivia, and she hears those things. I know that you don't approve but get over it. I'm in love with that woman and I'm adopting her girls. You don't get a say. So either get your shit together or get out. Olivia doesn't need to be stressed out. She's already freaking out as it is, and I need her to try and stay as calm as possible for her health and for Cleo's." Elliot spoke, as he lost his cool.

"So you are going to pick that whore over me?" Bernie yelled.

"Get out," Elliot ordered.

"How dare you-"

"Get the fuck out of my house and you won't be welcome back until you can play nice with my girlfriend." Elliot spat. He watched as his mother slammed her hands against the counter before stomping out. He watched as she packed up her bags before moving to the front door.

"Are you really doing this?" Bernie grumbled.

"I'll call you a cab, but that's all I'm doing for you. Olivia wanted to help you because she could understand what was happening to you... but it was a mistake. You have been nothing to a bitch to her."


Elliot went upstairs after his mother had left and she had money to pay the cab driver. He walked into his bedroom and saw that Maureen was sitting on his side of the bed and was gently rubbing Olivia's back as she finally got some sleep.

"So?" Maureen asked, and Elliot sighed as he walked around and sat beside his daughter.

"I kicked her out." He spoke.

"Grandma has never been mean like this before... she used to be so nice, but then we stopped seeing her so I'm assuming things changed." Maureen frowned.

"She's bipolar, Mo. But I've seen her take her medicine, so that isn't a reason for her to hurt Olivia over and over again. I'm just thankful that none of you believed what she said." Elliot whispered.

"We all gathered together last night and talked. I guess she was saying some things about Michaela and Julia too. And she kept telling us that because you are adopting Olivia's girls, that you won't love us anymore... we are so angry at her because she doesn't know them but is judging them. It's dumb." Maureen frowned. She kept her hand against Olivia's back but leaned into her father. Elliot rested his cheek against Maureen's curls before sighing softly.

"There is no chance in hell that I could love you five any less. And I hope you guys didn't believe her when she said that."

"We didn't, Dad... I'm going to go to bed. Tell Liv that I love her when she wakes up." Maureen breathed. She hugged her father before slipping off the end of the bed and padding out of the room.

Elliot slid under the sheets before wrapping his arms around Olivia's body.

"El-" Olivia started.

"She's gone, Olivia..." Elliot breathed into Olivia's neck.

"What? I-"

"I know that you only wanted me to talk to her, but she kept saying things that kept pissing me off. So I called her a cab and sent her on her way." Elliot replied.

"I'm sorry." Olivia whimpered as tears slipped down her cheeks.

"Don't apologize. She hurt you, and that's why she's gone."

"I really thought that you two were going to have a relationship. A good one... but then I-"

"Olivia, you didn't do anything. So please don't think you did. Now, close your eyes and get some sleep." Elliot breathed. He was going to roll over to give her some space, but instead, Olivia grabbed his arms and made him hold her closer as she cried.

She knew how hard it was to lose her mother. She hated herself for not being closer to Serena when she had the chance. And Olivia didn't even know if Elliot was fine with kicking his mother out or not. She knew that Elliot hadn't been close with his mother for the longest time, but maybe he wasn't as angry with her after living with her for a month.

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