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Olivia had shaky hands in some situations, but right now her hands were steady as she aimed her gun at her husband. She kept her eyes glued to him, and she tried to keep her eyes from becoming blurry as tears welled in her them.

"Put the gun down, bitch," Chris warned, but Olivia just laughed.

"I told you to put it down!" Chris yelled.

"Fuck off, Christopher. You don't get to tell me what to do. I'm the boss... don't you remember? Now, don't test me. I will shoot you if you move." Olivia spoke, her voice was strong and sharp. She slowly moved over to her bedside table, before grabbing her phone. She was supposed to leave it downstairs at night, but she didn't care anymore. She'd sleep with it in her hand if she wanted too.

She kept one hand on her gun, as she dialed Elliot's number with her other hand.

"It's late and I'm trying to sleep." Elliot yawned into the phone.

"Elliot, my husband beats me. Like, I cannot tell you how many times I've been to the hospital because he has hurt me so badly. So I need you to come and arrest him. He tried to kill me tonight. He put my gun to my head, but now I'm in-" Olivia didn't get to finish her statement because she was tackled by her husband and quickly pinned against the wall.

"You piece of shit."


Elliot had gotten to Olivia's house in less time than it had ever taken before. Fin and Cragen pulled up behind him, and they all took off towards the house. Upstairs, three shots were fired and it lit up the room for less than a second for each bullet that left the barrel of Olivia's weapon.

"We gotta get in there! Before she gets killed!" Elliot yelled as Cragen worked through his key ring to find the one that fit the front door's lock. 

"I don't want to scare the girls more than they probably already are. Here, find it." Cragen spoke, as he fumbled through the keys. He tossed the ring to Fin, who found the key quickly. He unlocked the front door before they all had their weapons pulled. They quickly ran upstairs, and Cragen went down the hall to get Michaela and Julia, as Fin and Elliot decided to take on the man that had been beating Olivia for years. They just never noticed.

"Put the gun down!" Elliot yelled as he kicked in the door. He started to breathe heavily when he saw a puddle of blood, and then drag marks towards the bathroom.

"Olivia!" Elliot cried as he went running to the bathroom. He stopped short when he saw Olivia sitting in the corner. She was rocking back and forth as she mumbled things to herself over and over again.

"It's Chris. He's dead." Fin breathed, as he left the bathroom before looking at Olivia and Elliot.

"She's hurt. I can see it... get an ambulance here. Call the ME. Chris needs to be out of here before the girls see him. Before Olivia sees him again." Elliot spoke before he moved quietly to Olivia. He sank down beside her, before grabbing the gun from her hands.

"I shot my husband." She whimpered.

"He was beating you, and you had to protect yourself and those girls. So we are going to fix this all. Can you stand for me?" Elliot asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"My legs are shaky." She whimpered.

"I'll hold you. I promise." Elliot spoke. He lifted Olivia to her feet before helping her move slowly from the room. He got her to sit in the living room on the top of the stairs, before hearing the other sirens as they grew closer.

"My girls will never forgive me, El... I shot their father... he shot twice and then I took the gun from him and shot him once... I shouldn't have done it. I should have just complimented him." Olivia whispered as she looked at Elliot.

"Compliment him?" Elliot asked as he rubbed her back gently.

"I'm supposed to compliment him after we have sex... but it hurt so bad. I'm so sore." Olivia sobbed. She turned and clung to Elliot, as he rubbed her back.

"It's okay. No need for that anymore."

"He's going to kill me!" Olivia cried.


"Warner is here," Fin spoke quietly, and Olivia screamed as she pushed Elliot away hid in the corner as she sobbed loudly.

"She didn't know that he is dead, Fin. She didn't hear you earlier." Elliot frowned.


Michaela and Julia were taken to Elliot's house, where Kathy was going to keep an eye on them while Olivia was at the hospital and then at the station. Michaela and Julia had heard it all, all but when their mother found out that their father was dead. And that she killed him.

Olivia was examined closely, and she had tons of different injuries. Her foot was broken, her ribs were cracked, she had internal bleeding on her liver and pancreas, let alone everything mentally wrong with her. 

"Do we have to charge her with killing Chris?" Elliot questioned, as he stood outside of Olivia's room. She was still sleeping after surgery, but even if her internal bleeding fixed and such, she still had so much more to do.

"She has been abused for years, Elliot. I've seen her medical files from this hospital and the others around here."

"Captain, how did we not notice?" Elliot questioned quietly and Cragen frowned as he shrugged his shoulders.

"I have no idea. I've been her Captain for so long that I guess I was used to her being angry sometimes. Or quiet."

"I'm going to go in and sit with her. She will need someone when she wakes up. Someone who will do anything for her." Elliot spoke. Cragen nodded before reaching out and patting his detective on his shoulder.

"She's lucky to have you, Stabler. Now, I'm going to make some calls and I'll be back soon."

Elliot walked into Olivia's room before sinking down beside her bed. He grabbed her hand gently before frowning.

"I'm so sorry that I didn't notice, Liv. I even noticed that you were pregnant with Michaela even before you knew yourself... I love you, Liv... and I'm here for you no matter what."

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