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With Bernie out of the house, everything evened out. Olivia was feeling more comfortable, and everything was falling back into place. Elliot and Olivia were working long into the night to get the adoption forms filled out because the sooner those were done, the sooner that Michaela, Julia, and Cleo would legally be Stablers.

"Alright, so starting tomorrow we are all in court and in meetings," Elliot explained before the kids headed upstairs to settle down in their rooms.

"Why?" Kathleen asked, as she held Michaela on her lap and rested her chin on top of her head.

"Because we finished all the paperwork. And the adoption is officially in motion." Elliot smiled.

"You two are cutting it very close." Maureen laughed, and Olivia nodded in agreement.

"Three weeks is not a lot of time. But Judge Linden is speeding things along because of the custody fight, and then everything else that has happened."

"So why do we have to be at the courthouse?" Kathleen asked.

"Because in order for me to adopt Michaela, Julia, and Cleo you all have to be in agreement. You all have to be fine with making them your sisters. Our adoption advocate will be talking with you all with Judge Linden sitting in and listening." Elliot explained, as Olivia walked over to Eli and helped him turn his shirt around so it was on properly.

"Well, we are all in agreement that we are more than excited to have three new sisters." Maureen smiled.

"We know that, Mo. But the court needs to know it too. So I already went and set all your alarms for 6. You all need to shower, eat breakfast, and dress in the nice clothes that Olivia has set out for all of you. You are all dismissed." Elliot spoke. The kids rolled their eyes as they walked over to their father and hugged him, before hugging Olivia. 

Elliot turned his girlfriend after hearing a bunch of doors close, before moving closer to her.

"Are you excited?" Elliot asked.

"I'm so excited, El... you are adopting my girls... they won't be associated with Chris anymore and that makes me happy."


The next morning, Elliot and Olivia were up earlier than the kids. Olivia was having Braxton Hicks contractions and had been uncomfortable all night long. Even if they wanted to postpone the interviews, they both knew that if they didn't do them today they would never get done. Getting in on a court schedule was hard enough as it is, and they knew that Judge Linden probably wouldn't help them again if they canceled today.

"You look exhausted." Elliot yawned, as Olivia got ready for the day. 

"I am exhausted. I hate having these damn practice contractions. It's as if my body doesn't remember that this is the third time I've gotten this far."

"Liv, do you want me there when you have Cleo?" Elliot asked quietly. Olivia stopped applying her mascara and turned to look at her boyfriend.

"El, you are her father. You need to be there when she's born. When she takes her first breath and cries for the first time. I know you have been through this more times than I have, but each time it's so magical. I've made it through hell just to give birth to our healthy, incredible, and adorable little Cleo." Olivia breathed, before taking a slow breath as her stomach cramped.

"Another one?" Elliot asked, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"I'm getting fucking tired of these."

Once everyone had showered and gotten dressed, they all went downstairs to have breakfast. Michaela and Julia were very hyper because today was a big step in their adoption.

"Mo?" Julia asked as she sat next to Eli at the large kitchen table.

"Yeah?" Maureen asked.

"Do you really want us to be your sisters?" The little girl questioned. Everyone look at Julia, before looking at Maureen. Maureen always talked for her siblings, because she had a way with words that the rest didn't. 

"We love you three, Jules. When Dad and Liv got together, we were unsure at first about how we'd feel about having more siblings. But we came around to the idea and are so thankful that we did." Maureen smiled. Olivia fought off tears as she looked over at her boyfriend before grabbing his hand and intertwining their fingers together.

If they weren't confident that this adoption was the right thing to do, they were now.


Maureen sat in an interview room alone as she waited for the adoption advocate and the judge to come in and talk to her. As she sat there, she was wondering about how her life was going to change when she went from being a big sister to four annoying siblings, to becoming a big sister to seven younger siblings. She knew her family was weird and dysfunctional, but she was honestly so excited to have three more sisters. To help change their view on life, especially since their biological father was an absolute monster.

"Maureen?" Laurie questioned, as she knocked on the door. Maureen nodded, before Laurie and Judge Linden came into the room.

"Thanks for coming here today. I'm assuming your father and Olivia have explained to you what the purpose of these interviews is about?" Laurie questioned, and Maureen nodded.

"Yeah. To make sure that we aren't being forced into accepting the girls. That we actually want more siblings." Maureen replied.

"Exactly. Now, can we start with your age?" Laurie asked.

"I'm 17. Senior in high school. Eldest of eight kids once the kids are adopted." Maureen smiled. Judge Linden chuckled a bit as several questions were filled out.

"Have you known Michaela and Julia for long?" Laurie questioned.

"After they were born, I was allowed to go up to the hospital and hold them. Olivia has been my father's best friend for years, so as soon as she got pregnant I was so excited to have cousins." Maureen smiled.

"So you grew up knowing them as your cousins?" Judge Linden questioned, and Maureen nodded.

"Well, yeah. But as soon as Olivia and my father got together, that changed. I felt like Michaela and Julia were my sisters. I saw them every time I was with my Dad. They love to annoy me just like my other siblings do. And when I found out about Cleo... I couldn't help but think about how she was going to be born into my family and would be my sister even if the tests said she wasn't biologically my baby sister."

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