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A few months after Olivia tried to flee from Manhattan, she started to do good. Through therapy and the love of Elliot and the crew, she started to recover from the trauma that she had experienced. Michaela and Julia were accepted into the same school as the Stabler kids, so at least they knew people instead of being completely new to that place. Olivia was having an easy pregnancy, which was completely different for her. Not only was she not having morning sickness at all, and she had a boyfriend that loved her and that she loved. Everything started to get good. Really good for her, but she was worried that maybe this good patch would end horribly.

"Do you want me to join you today?" Elliot asked as he and his girlfriend got ready the morning Olivia would be finding out the gender of her third child. If their relationship worked out, Olivia and Elliot were planning on having him adopt the girls and the new baby. They didn't want them to have a connection to the man that raped their mother and beat her for 8 years straight.

"You don't have too. This isn't my first rodeo." Olivia spoke, as she finished putting her makeup on. The bruised had faded, so she didn't have to worry about caking on so much makeup to hide the bruises and cuts.

"Babe," Elliot spoke, and Olivia closed her eyes as chills ran down her spine. That word always got her. And she usually cried when Elliot said he loved her.

"El, if you want to come you can. I know that I'm supposed to try and open up to you... it's still hard though." Olivia admitted.

"I know, my love. But every day we are working closer to you feeling whole again. And I think that letting me come and see the baby with you will help." Elliot smiled. He took his chance and wrapped his arms around her waist. For the first time, he placed his hands against her swell and felt small movements within. He had helped Olivia through her first two pregnancies, but this one was different. He felt like he was the father just waiting and waiting for the long days to come to an end so he'd be closer to meeting the sweet little soul that they had been waiting on.

"I expected this to feel weird." Olivia breathed, as she leaned into Elliot's strong body.

"I did too... but it feels right. Right?" Elliot asked. Olivia turned around slowly and nodded before leaning close and kissing Elliot softly. She was supposed to kiss Elliot at least once a day, but she found herself wanting to kiss him more often.

"It feels amazing, El." She breathed, before hugging him tightly.


After dropping Michaela and Julia off at school, Olivia and Elliot went to her doctor's office for her appointment. The kids, even Elliot's kids, seemed excited to find out what the baby was. But they weren't nearly as excited as Elliot was. He was so excited, which seemed weird because Olivia was a little hesitant about this scan. She was worried that if it was a boy, he'd be like his father. An abuser, rapist, and a woman-hater.

"Olivia, we should probably get out of the elevator before the doors shut. This is our floor." Elliot smiled, as he stood in front of Olivia with his hand held out to her. Olivia blinked a few times before taking his hand slowly.

"Uh, sorry... honey..." Olivia trailed off as they moved away from the elevator and towards the hallway they had to walk down before they hit the waiting rooms for the ultrasound.

"Liv, what's wrong?" Elliot asked as he squeezed her hand as they walked.

"Elliot, I'm going to be open with you," Olivia spoke.

"Good. I'm always here to listen to you, honey." Elliot smiled. He stopped his girlfriend before placing his hands to her hips. He pulled her as close as her stomach would allow, before smiling at her. He kept eye contact because otherwise, she'd zone out.

"Elliot, if this baby is a boy... he'll be a good man. Right? Like he'll grow up to be like you?" Olivia asked. She sucked in the corner of her bottom lip and gnawed on it as she looked into Elliot's kind blue eyes.

"He won't be like Chris. Chris was raised by a horrible woman and a man that was abusive. I'm not saying that that makes what he did right, but you will be a good mother and I'll be a good father to him. It is how you raised that really gives you the right step forward. And this baby, boy or girl, will get that right step. Okay?" Elliot spoke. Olivia nodded before taking a slow breath. She looked at her boyfriend for a moment, before leaning close and kissing his lips softly. She closed her eyes tightly before letting their lips part.

"You are the most amazing man in my life, Elliot Stabler. I love you."

"I love you too," Elliot spoke, before quickly hugging Olivia because she started to cry.

"I forgot." Elliot chuckled, as he rubbed her back gently.

"It's okay. I'm just a mess." Olivia sniffled.


Inside the room, Elliot sat beside Olivia and held her hand. He squeezed her hand and pressed gentle kisses to it as the tech took measurements of the baby. The baby was measuring a little on the bigger side and was incredibly healthy. Then it was just time to see what the baby was.

"Olivia, are you certain that you want to know the gender of your baby?" The tech asked as she looked over at the expectant mother. Everyone that had been involved in Olivia's pregnancy, they all knew about what happened. They had to ask her several times if she was ready for what was next, and it was helping with her trust issues.

"I am," Olivia spoke. She looked over at Elliot and got a soft kiss from him before looking at the screen.

"You are going to have your hands full with three little girls now, Olivia. Congrats."

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Bruised, Battered, and In Tears [ A Benson Fan Fic]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant