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Entering the courtroom, Olivia clung to Elliot's side. She tried to keep her breathing even, but it was hard when she was going to face a woman that hates her for everything she could possibly think of. 

"Alright, are you two ready for this? It might get nasty." Trevor spoke, as he held open the swinging gate thing and let Olivia and Elliot through.

"I'll never be ready... but if I want to keep my kids I have to do this." Olivia breathed. She moved over to her seat and slowly sat down on it as Elliot gently stood behind her and rubbed her back.

"Do you think we have a good shot at keeping the kids?" Elliot asked.

"I feel like Olivia could get custody of the girls, but I also believe that Bonnie may be getting some time with them. Probably a few weekends a month or something like that." Trevor explained.

"I wish we would have gotten married so I could have been apart of this..." Elliot frowned, before kissing the top of Olivia's head. Trevor asked Elliot to sit down behind them before he sat beside Olivia and gently touched her arm.

"I'm going to avoid the whole Chris thing, but I feel like Bonnie's lawyer will not. So just don't blurt out anything and let me do the talking unless Judge Linden speaks to you. Okay?"

"Okay," Olivia whispered. She placed her hands against her swell as she played with a ring that Michaela and Julia had given her for Mother's Day. They didn't celebrate because Chris hated Olivia, but the girls always had Elliot help them buy a gift so Olivia got something special.

"How far along are you?" Trevor asked as he looked up from his legal pad and at his client.

"21 weeks..." Olivia trailed off as she heard the door open behind them. Olivia didn't even try to look over her shoulder, because she could already smell Bonnie's disgusting perfume and it made her feel sick to her stomach.

"Don't be scared, Olivia. Because she can't have custody of that baby for 19 weeks. And she won't be getting custody at all."

"Should we refer to her by her name?" Olivia asked as she moved her eyes back to her swell to avoid seeing Bonnie.

"I... I don't know. What's her name?" Trevor asked gently.



Judge Linden was a little late to court, so they had to sit in there and try not to talk too loudly. But once Judge Linden came in, they could finally start the first day of discussions.

"Mrs. Morris, why do you believe that you would be a better guardian than Olivia Benson-Morris?" Judge Linden asked as she relaxed back in her chair as she looked at Bonnie. Olivia had worked with Judge Linden before, but Olivia was worried that that wouldn't help at all.

"Your honor, as you probably know... Olivia shot and killed my son in cold blood. I believe that my granddaughters would be better off with me, so they do not have the same risk of getting murdered as my son did." Bonnie explained, and Olivia was already in tears as those words left the older woman's mouth.

"Objection." Trevor huffed as he stood and buttoned his suit jacket.

"Mr. Langan, please sit down. We try not to object during family court. So please, avoid it." Judge Linden spoke.

"Yes, your honor." Trevor sighed softly as he sank down beside Olivia. Judge Linden turned her eyes back to Bonnie before proceeding with her questions.

"Now,  I have read the police report on your son's death. Through intense investigation, Captain Cragen found that Christopher Morris had been shot when Olivia Benson-Morris was defending herself."

"The murder was investigated by Olivia's boss. So I believe it was wrongly determined. Judge, I would like custody of my granddaughters as soon as possible, if you wouldn't mind." Bonnie spoke as her lawyer let out a small sigh by the wording and how demanding Bonnie was being.

"You are seeking custody of Michaela Cameron Morris, Julia Elenora Morris, and your unborn grandchild?" Judge Linden spoke.

"Yes," Bonnie spoke, and her lawyer sighed again.

"Yes, your honor. Mrs. Morris is hoping to gain full custody of the girls as soon as possible, and to get the baby once Olivia has had her."

"Alright, I believe that I will take the rest of the afternoon to read through both sides of this case. Mr. Langan and Ms. Munson will be joining me. I will determine my decision in the morning." Judge Linden spoke. This had been the fastest morning session that Olivia had ever sat through, and she had a bad feeling that Bonnie was going to get the kids. And she didn't even get a chance to stand up for herself.


Elliot had shut everything down that night before heading upstairs to where his girlfriend had been in bed for a few hours. He walked into their bedroom before stopping short when he saw Olivia laying towards the middle of the bed with Michaela on one side and Julia on the other. Elliot could see drying tears on their cheeks, and Elliot knew that Olivia broke the news to them. She wanted to prepare them for the worse because that was what she thought was going to happen.

Elliot walked over to the bed and slipped in on his side before pushing some of Michaela's hair out of her face as he moved her to the point where he could lay as comfortably as possible.

"Daddy?" Michaela asked quietly, as she rolled over and smiled at Elliot.

"Did Mama tell you about what is happening?" Elliot asked, and Michaela nodded slowly.

"Yeah... she said that Grandma is going to be taking us from you two... and that Cleo will be joining us when she leaves Mama's belly," Michaela whispered. Elliot pulled the little girl close before pressing a soft kiss to her soft brown hair.

"Honey, no matter what Mama says... she's just scared. She wants to prepare you for the worst. But I pray that we get to keep you three... because you'll be better off here."

"Mama is always scared..." Michaela whispered.

"I'm going to make sure that ends. She isn't with Chris anymore. She's with me and I will never make her scared to turn her back. I love her too much to do that."

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Bruised, Battered, and In Tears [ A Benson Fan Fic]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang