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Olivia settled down onto the chair beside Elliot's desk, as he sat at his computer desk. He kept his eyes down for several long moments as Olivia took care of cleaning a little spit up off of Cleo's chin.

"Elliot... I'm sorry." Olivia breathed. Elliot frowned before nodding slowly.

"Yeah, well you are going to have to do a lot more than just that... Liv, you broke my heart. You didn't even make it seem like we were in a relationship anymore. You only sent me texts that told me to go pick up diapers or wipes. You expected me to do all the work but not be able to hold the little girl that shares my last name. I was the only parent that Michaela and Julia had for a month. The only one to love and take care of them. But then you made it clear that they weren't my kids. And I couldn't have the girls that I love, nor my own kids because you managed to make them feel unwelcomed in a house that was their's for a majority of the week." Elliot frowned.

"Elliot, I've just been trying to take care of Cleo and my mental-"

"Your mental health? You have locked yourself up in a bedroom for a month straight. I'm only allowed in to grab clean clothes. How is closing yourself off from your only family help you at all?" Elliot asked with a sigh.

"I don't know. It's what I thought was best for me and Cleo. I'm trying my hardest to just take care of my little girl and make it to the next day."

"I'm gonna have to ask you to leave, Liv. I'm not feeling like talking about this. I don't feel like listening to you justify all of your actions. I understand that you have gone through a lot and have been having a hard time, but you haven't talked to or showed any sort of care or love to your two older girls in a month. You have burned a lot of bridges, Olivia... and I don't know if you can ever repair them."


It was a few days before Elliot got in contact with Olivia. She had sent him several messages, asking him to come home and much more than that. So once Elliot got a day off, he went over to the house to talk to his ex. He didn't know if the whole point of this was to get him to come home just to use him again, or to get back together. 

"Dad- Elliot." Michaela breathed, as Elliot unlocked the door. He looked at the little girl and saw dark circles under her eyes. She was too young to look this tired.

"Baby, you can still call me Daddy... I'll always want to be your father, even if it might not really happen." Elliot frowned, as he sat his keys in the bowl by the door before leaning close and pulling her into a warm hug. He rubbed her back gently and swallowed hard when he felt Michaela's tears soaked into his shirt.

"Where's Jules?" Elliot asked, and Michaela swallowed hard as she pointed towards the stairs.

"No one can get her out of bed... she's really sad." Michaela whispered.

"Who's taking care of you?" Elliot questioned, as he reached out and flicked a tear from the little girl's cheek.

"Lucy is. Mama is upstairs but really doesn't do much when she comes downstairs... can you make Julia feel better? She won't even talk to Dr. Sharon."

"I'll try, baby... but I can't promise any thing. Why don't you go find Lucy. I'll make sure to see you before I leave."

"Please don't leave, Daddy." Michaela whimpered.

"I love you, sweetie. Please go find Lucy." Elliot spoke.

He went upstairs and was just about to check on Julia, when Olivia opened her bedroom door and looked out. She froze when she saw Elliot, before opening the door more and stepping out.

"I didn't know you were coming over... if I had, I would have been waiting downstairs for you." Olivia spoke quietly.

"No you wouldn't have." Elliot replied coldly.

"Please, El-"

"Julia hasn't gotten out of bed. She needs to be checked on and I think she'll probably need a bath and to eat. That's what needs to happen first." Elliot spoke.

"Then I'll help." Olivia spoke, her voice shaking.

"You should be doing this by yourself. I shouldn't have to be taking care of the kids that you don't even want me to claim." Elliot spoke.

Olivia didn't respond, but she did follow her ex into her little girl's room. Once inside, Elliot walked over and knelt beside Julia's bedside and Olivia followed suit.

"Jules, can you open your eyes for me?" Elliot asked gently, as he reached out and caressed the girl's hair.

"Daddy?" Julia barely whispered.

"Yeah. Mama is here too... do you think you could get out of bed for us?" Elliot asked, and Julia shook her head.

"You are going to leave again, Daddy... Mama isn't going to come out of her room. There is no point." She croaked out.

"If I didn't leave, would you get out of bed?" Elliot asked softly.

"Would you and Mama get back together?" Julia asked, hopefully. She had pushed herself up a bit, before looking at her parents. Elliot felt pushed into a corner at the moment, but he didn't want to cause this little girl to fall even further. He looked over at Olivia and saw that she had been watching him.

She had tears on her cheeks and she looked desperate.

"Give us a moment, Jules." Elliot breathed. He stood before helping Olivia to her feet and taking her into the hall. They stood there for several moments before he spoke.

"If we were to get back together, we'd have a lot to work on. You'd have to trust me. You'd have to let me back in. And I still want to adopt the girls. I want Julia to feel safe again. So we sleep in the same room... my kids can come back and stay with us... and you let me help you. You let me be your boyfriend." Elliot spoke quietly.

"I'm willing to do anything, El. I just want to be with you again." Olivia spoke quickly, before stepping forward and clinging to Elliot. But he didn't wrap his arms around her body.

Bruised, Battered, and In Tears [ A Benson Fan Fic]Where stories live. Discover now