“Might not have mentioned this before, but I think you’re really pretty.” It was an interesting introduction. I honestly didn’t expect him to be so forward, but it was told from a place of humor. I could tell he was in a good mood by the emphasis on his dimples.

“Yeah, I somewhat got that.”

His tone gave me a feel for his personality, right away I could tell he’d be easy to talk to. He led me to his car, opening the door and helping me climb in. The vehicle smelled like him. As he walked over to the other side of the car I began to notice his attire. He was dressed in a dark V- neck shirt under his opened leather jacket.

His jeans were dark as well, and I could tell he might have had a hard time getting them on. His presence was hot, his converses slightly scuffed. I watched as he climbed in, quickly putting the car in drive after strapping himself in. I immediately felt attracted to him even more.

“So, where are we going?” It wasn’t awkward at all. It was kind of like we’d done this before. I looked out the window as he passed the remainder of my neighborhood, moving to an unfamiliar street. He drove at a medium speed. Nothing felt rushed.

“My house.” He said looking over at me. I wondered if he really wanted to talk or was this a plan to continue where we left the other night. I wanted to go, but my conscious disagreed with my body’s craving.

“Harry, you know I can’t. Right?” He knew what I meant. He stopped at the light, looking at me as if to see through me.

“Sucks you don’t believe me Alexandra.”

Again with the humor.

“Only if you want to, okay?”

He leaned over placing a kiss on my nose. I honestly never experienced that. I wondered if he did it with all the girls he met, but I couldn’t help but feel special.

“So where are you right now?” At first I didn’t understand his question. I looked up at him, his eyes on the road. I began to blink violently, eyebrows knitting together when I realized he was referring to my lie to Scott.

“With the girls.”

His mood suddenly shifted it wasn’t pleasing and upbeat anymore. His features quickly changing, hands firmly placed to the steering wheel. I took notice to his lack of will to pick conversation, but chose to stay quiet as well.

We were there, as he told me. His house was a lot bigger than I initially thought it would be, though not quite as big as the one I shared with Scott. He grabbed my hand, helping me down from his car and holding on while we walked out of the driveway.


His room was neat. Too neat, and I was slightly afraid he’d freak if I bumped into anything. He grabbed my coat after removing his and put them away. I took in the atmosphere, looking around as I was now alone in his room. I wondered if he had cleaned up before my visit. I roamed slowly; his room was also the scent of him.

Soon, he was back in the room with me, watching me as he leaned against the door frame. Sitting on his bed, I took the fabric between my fingers. It was soft. I wondered how his dating life was, that would explain this sheets maybe.

I begin to feel anger at the thought of another girl being with him in that way. Feelings that weren’t mine to have. I shouldn't even be here, but here i am anyways.

“You have a girlfriend, Harry?” I didn’t mean to sound as forward as I did, but I was curious. He seemed to think it amusing.

"Nope. No girlfriend.”

Fool's Gold Book 1Where stories live. Discover now