Chapter 32

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Ai/Itami POV

The scene before me was extremely vulgar to the eye. It's constriction of loss and hope all mingled together in one just to face the fact. But it didn't tarnish anything to me, it simply didn't even affect me. I stared down at Haku's limp and lifeless body, knowing the many risks he would take to die for a special person. My eyes drifted towards Zabuza, him shedding tears at Naruto's words. A smirk curled around my lips as a certain chakra revealed in front of us. It was weak, but it was with a large group of people. Nonetheless, quantity is not going to work on us.

The cold air shifted into one of arrogance that I despised; filled with ignorance that made me annoyed by just the thought. It's smug, mischievous chuckles echoed through the bridge as our heads snapped in the direction. The misty fog hid the face, but you could see a large amount of people standing around a tiny figure. We were all stiff, some eyes narrowed and some wide. Mine were narrowed, ready for the outcome of what is to happen. Teeth pursed in a line, hands ready to form paper shuriken, and mind prepared to kill. My eyes showed that I was serious: glazed with it's usual blue, but with a hint of unfamiliar fire.

The fog faded dramatically as the short man holding a cane appeared along with many criminals. A smirk of triumph was plastered onto his face, his eyes hidden by a pair of dark shades, but it was easy to imagine overconfident ones. Zabuza was quite shocked.

"Gato, what is the meaning of this?" He demanded, turning his body in his direction as he narrowed his eyes lividly. His arms were limp and useless, hanging by his sides.

Gato smirked. "The deals off, Zabuza. You were way too much money! And even if I were to pay you, you wouldn't even be able to get the job done!" He announced, then gestured to the criminals behind him and before us. "These guys, however, aren't too much, even in groups."

His gaze was now shifted at Haku's body, his arrogant smirk growing even wider. He walked towards it. "And this brat..." He muttered almost angrily before hitting Haku's cheek with his cane. Haku didn't react, nor did he move. He was dead. My eyes narrowed dangerously as I flashed forward and kicked him far away from the body, glaring at him. I swiftly took out a kunai and appeared in front of him as he still flew through the air.

"Don't touch Haku!" I blurted out as I aimed my kunai to his heart, his eyes wide with shock. Before I could, though, Zabuza was already there and pushed me back by kicking me. It wasn't too hard.

I landed on my feet and stared at him as his eyes were past me and over to Haku. "Let me deal with it." He ordered, and I was about to protest until I saw the determination in his eyes. I nodded slowly, stepping back. He looked at Naruto. "Hey, give me a kunai." He told him. Naruto was confused, but did so anyway. He passed it over to Zabuza who caught it in his now visible mouth. His teeth were sharp and demonic looking.

"That's totally cool." I whispered over to Naruto, him nodding in awe.

"I know right!"

We watched as he charged, taking out so many men. Gato was at the far end, using them as a shield. Zabuza would get pierced in the back, weapons sticking out of him but he still kept going.

"That's really cool." I whispered again. Naruto nodded, watching closely.

Zabuza ran at Gato who was now in the center, fear in his eyes. Zabuza stabbed Gato and pushed him off the bridge.

"That was awesome." Naruto whispered over to me, me nodding in agreement.

"But I'm way cooler."

Naruto grinned at my comment, then focused on Zabuza only. He was panting heavily, trying to ignore the pain in his back, and the swell in his arms. The criminals were shocked, until the very idea of not getting money all echoed in their head.

"If we can't get paid, then we'll just steal from the town!" They all cheered, readying their weapons. They took a step forward, only for something, that I couldn't see from this angle, to land in front of them and pierce through the bridge. I turned to see the villagers all reunited, weapon in hand. It scared the criminals, but they just thought of them as lowly people who are just in groups. That is, until, Naruto created many shadow clones and so did Kakashi.

I flashed a closed eye smile in Naruto's direction before making paper kunai hover all around them, as if their were more than a hundred. They were circled.

"Let's fight, then."

Instead, they ran off. I didn't really approve of them going off, but what could we do without a proper amount of chakra? And I'm sure the villagers won't be able to handle them themselves. I sighed, turning my head to see Inari and Naruto talking, and Zabuza laying next to Haku. Sasuke looked distant while Sakura was relieved that Sasuke was okay. Kakashi was somewhere around Zabuza, and I was in the back, away from the others.

Maybe after this mission, I can learn greater Medical Ninjutsu.

Yeah, that seems to be the most useful...


"What do you mean you forgot your Ichiraku ramen coupon?" I questioned, my face showing nothing but a deadpan as I stared at Naruto. The urge to face palm was overwhelming. But I knew it could not contain the fail, so I face tree'd.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I forgot it at Tazuna's! I'll go get it real quick!" Naruto announced, running off before I had a time to reply.

I sighed, turning to see an eye twitching team. Kakashi had that sheepish closed eye smile, but I could clearly see his visible eye twitching. Sakura had an irk mark, fists balled, while Sasuke just had that vein popping on his forehead, hands shoved into his pockets. I plopped down onto a rock, knowing that, since it's Naruto, this will take a while.

... 5 minutes later

... 10 minutes later

. 1 hour later

. 1 hour and 30 minutes later

. 2 hours later

The sun began to set, and my patience was only worsening. The light was replaced with growing darkness, yet not an orange blob in sight. That is, until I heard running footsteps and calling.

"Hey guys!"

Sasuke crossed his arm, annoyed. "What took you so long, you dobe!" He exclaimed, closing his eyes to contain the anger.

"Oh, you see, something happened and I had to fight some-"

"We don't have time. Let's just go." Kakashi interrupted Naruto, and I began walking away with him in tow.

Don't look back at Naruto if you don't want to be a team killer.

Don't look back at Naruto if you don't want to be a team killer.

I repeated this in my head as I tried to toss out his voice. This will be a long trip...

HOLY FUDGCAKES! I have never updated so slow before! I had never went across the limit of 6 days! I AM SO SORRY!! AND I AT LEAST BROUGHT MY C TO A B! NOW I HAVE MY 3.0 and above again! YAY! BUT I HAVE NOT BEEN READING SINCE... I'm sorry but anime got the best of me. ;-; SO, DONT BE EXPECTING AN UPDATE FROM ME! I AM LITERALLY TRYING TO FORCE MYSELF TO READ!! Enjoy!


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