Chapter 30

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Ai/Itami POV

I hissed in more annoyance as more waves of needles came, and I listened to the screams of agony. I hurried over to them, ignoring the pain as it stuck onto my arm, leg, everywhere. I jumped in front of Naruto and tried to quickly take out a kunai, but it was hit out of my hand. Naruto did a hand seal, making some clones, but it was useless, he was just wasting his chakra. Then, it hit me. I concentrated on my chakra as I allowed papers to slip down unseen and fuse with the ground. It slowly began moving towards the mirrors, and I know that we're going to have to endure some pain before it does.

Sasuke looked around, and gathered us all together. He performed certain hand seals, one I knew would be a fire jutsu due to the tiger seal. He then spewed fire out of his mouth, hoping to melt the ice. I looked towards my papers to see that they were not affected. As I've known, it may be paper but I've manipulated it to be stronger than metal. Though, as the fire died down, there was no sign of dripping or melting.

"If you wish to melt these, you must use a stronger fire jutsu." Haku commented, making Sasuke more annoyed. I suppressed a childish act as I saw Naruto make more shadow clones.

"No! Stop! You're just wasting your chakra!" Sasuke yelled at Naruto, but was ignored as Naruto did it anyway. The dome was covered in smoke, hearing them all dispel in unharmonized patterns. Though, Sasuke used this to his advantage, finding his speed. He let out a fire jutsu, one that scorched Haku's clothing. And Naruto kept doing his shadow clones.

It was a blinding fog that outlasted a long few seconds. As it almost completely faded, Naruto was panting, chakra deprived. He slowly began doing the appropriate hand seal again, until he passed out. Sasuke scowled as we dodged, him holding Naruto. Just in case he couldn't dodge, I would take it for him. So, as of now, I had a needle sticking out of my chest, but it didn't stop me from continuing. Sasuke was blind due to the amount of needles, so he couldn't see that I was blocking it from hitting him, which I was content about. He couldn't know, unless I want him to yell at me to stop and let him die.

Though, I felt the needles hit the back of my knee, and it slowed me down that I nearly collapsed. I gasped as I felt my legs buckle below me, excruciating pain bellowing inside. I gritted my teeth and furrowed my brows, running to catch up to Sasuke's movement, but was too late as he was hit with senbon needles, Naruto awake behind him. My eyes widened as he fell backwards, being caught by the blonde. I composed myself, trying to run faster, but my legs did give up and I fell with a loud thud. I knew that I couldn't use my paper wings, because it was useless in here. It wouldn't break the mirrors, it wouldn't do anything, not if I couldn't find the real Haku.

Naruto turned his head in my direction, eyes wide and full with tears. I panted but crawled over, even if it was slow and took minutes. Though, before I could reach him, I felt three jabs of pain hit my back, making me stop and try to breathe. Haku had hit me with senbon. My eyes wanted to droop close, to just lay there, but I fought against it. Though, my mind didn't agree.

Black spots covered my eyesight, and it was slowly consuming. And so, I let out one last breath before I went into the darkness.


"Hey, Nii-san?" I asked, watching as he paints with such detail, colors cascading through and out. He smiled and looked over at me, urging me to continue. I smiled back and said, "Can I name this one this time?"

He pondered before shaking his head. "None of my artworks are named. They have none, except these two books I have for you and brother." He replied pulling out two certain books he made himself. One had a picture of a silver haired boy and a black haired one in the back. The other was covered in flowers, a blue haired girl on the hard cover page. On the back, a pair of hands held a flower, satin cut up in pieces for design. It truly did look like a masterpiece.

I pouted, but didn't argue. I knew I couldn't push it, since he's doing so much already. Though, I sighed as he continued painting, throwing me a smile before he did. I frowned and began walking away, over to Nii-sama's room. I'm sure he would play with me. I slowly slid the door, but stopped when I heard intense coughing. My eyes widened as I saw him coughing up blood, wiping it on a towel. I flinched as he seemed in excruciating pain. My breath hitched as he fell to his knees, blood rolling down his chin. Though, too scared and shocked to be stealthy, I accidentally tripped on my two feet, opening the door wide open. I sat there, eyes filled with horror as he turned his head in my direction, silver hair covering parts of his eyes.

"I-Imouto." He weakly called, making me take in a breath before I sprinted away, blinking back tears. I ran faster and faster, hoping to get back to my room and lock myself in there. I passed Nii-san's room, probably startling him with how loud I ran. I went through my room, slamming the door in the process as I locked it, sliding down the door as the tears were uncontrollable now. I heard him knocking on my door, demanding an explanation, but I didn't respond. Instead, I allowed him to knock louder and louder. I felt deep depression dwelling inside as the image of that repeated in my mind. I had an urge to just-...

I spotted a kunai on the table and made my way towards it, gripping it tightly in my hand. I swiftly dragged it across my arm with slight hesitation, but felt every worry and sadness leave me just like the blood flowing out. I felt so much better. However, before I could continue, it was roughly grabbed out of my hand. Tears streamed down my face as I tried to get it back, not noticing Nii-san who was shocked at the doorway. Lord Danzo scowled and threw the kunai across the room, grabbing my hand and examining it. His eyes turned into one of anger as he looked back at me.

"What did I tell you about emotion!? See what it did to you?! It made you weak!" He exclaimed, gripping my hand and transporting somewhere else. I found myself in that same room, the room where I had to kill. And, as he teleported to the top, a bunch of other ANBU charged at me. I effortlessly killed them, my face turning into one of emotionless. Not only did I see my brother in pain, as if dying, but I had to kill more people. I wanted to cut myself again...

Hey guys! I guess this chapter was about how I was feeling :P. Blah. OH MY, ITAMI CUTS! YESH! Sorry if it didn't seem like her, you'll be able to get it soon. Just hold on tight! :) So, I'll see you on the next update!

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