Chapter 23

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Kakashi POV

Sakura just assumed that she'll be the best, but currently she has done nothing. Maybe she'll become stronger in a few years, but I doubt she'll be able to beat Itami. It's not like I'm picking favorites, it's just that Itami works hard as a ninja while Sakura fawns over boys, does her hair, and all those other things that ninjas aren't supposed to care about at times. Kurenai is an exception, she does her hair, her makeup, but she still gets the job done, and she takes missions seriously, not time to fawn over boys, or in her case, call Asuma. Sure, Sakura has smarts and chakra control, but it's seemingly useless if she can't use it correctly.

I watched as Sakura balled her fists tightly to stop herself from tears. "Sakura, there will never be the best, or the worst. That's what a team is for; to help each other out." I reassured, and half of it was true while the other was not.

She smiled and nodded standing from her place and leaving me in peace. I sighed, What did I get myself into?

Ai/Itami POV

It was blurry, bright lights blinding me as I heard voices, familiar ones at that. Soft laughter cascaded into my ears as my eyes adjusted to the light. And what I saw surprised me.

It was me as a six year old girl, sitting down with a boy the same age as I. He had dark, short hair, smiling a closed eye smile, and I was smiling back.

"Please, Nii-san. Please sing me a song!" Six year old me pleaded, holding his hands in mines.

He sighed, but still kept up the smile. "You know that I don't sing, I do art." He exampled by taking out one of his artworks, it being the younger me.

"I know that! But I want you to sing me a song!" She begged, clapping her hands together.

He seemed reluctant, but nodded. "Fine..."

He cleared his throat, looking around his surroundings to make sure it was just me and him. Surely enough, it was.

He opened his mouth, and a beautiful tune was warmed into my ears. It was amazing, enveloping me in familiarity that danced in the air. Though, he stopped half way in embarrassment, scratching his cheek while he smiles sheepishly. "That was amazing, Nii-san!"

"Y-you think so?"

I nodded vigorously, giving off a smile. "Now, can you draw me a picture of Nii-sama?" I asked, making him smile back. He was about to respond when Lord Danzo walked in, looking absolutely livid.

"No emotions... No smiling! No laughing! Now, Itami, it's time. Come with me." He ordered after growling. I nodded, bowing while standing and followed him.

That's when my surroundings changed into one of horror, remembrance flooding my mind. Blood was everywhere, me standing in the middle while bodies laid in unsymmetrical patterns. Everything was soaked in crimson, even I was, holding a dripping kunai. Tears overflowed, but it stopped when Danzo growled.

"You must not show emotions! Feel nothing! In ROOT, you have no name! You have no feelings! You have no past! You have no future! There is only the mission!" He recited, making me turn emotionless as I stared at the bloody bodies. I turned my head as he sent more to fight me.

I impassively stabbed, letting the scarlet hit my face in an intoxicating murder. "I have no name. I have no feelings. I have no past. I have no future. There is only the mission." I said monotonously, throwing the kunai into one's neck, letting him die slowly and painfully. "Itami is just my mission name. Nothing else. It is nothing." I muttered lowly. "I am, and forever will be, nothing." I emotionlessly said, getting a smirk from Lord Danzo.

"Very good." He darkly laughed heartlessly. "Starting tomorrow, you will kill others one by one until the next week. And I expect you to win everyone of them."

I nodded, bowing on one knee. "Yes, Lord Danzo. As you wish."

With that, I silently walked back to my headquarters.

I have no name. I have no feelings. I have no past. I have no future. There is only the mission.

Hey guys! I cracked my phone so updates will be kinda slow. I write on my phone, by the way. Yep! Since I'm on Thanksgiving break, I'll update more often! Woo! XD And sorry if my writing sucks nowadays, I've been busy with school. I bet you guys can't guess my age :) No one can. Well, possibly. I should let you guys know. I'll see you on the next update!


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