Chapter 14

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Ai/Itami POV

Looking at the clock, I checked that it was five in the morning. How late, I was usually awaken at three in the morning for missions but I guess this is reasonable since the other three teammates of mine are barely Genin. I walked out the door, only to see that Kakashi was leaning on the wall, seemingly waiting for me.

"Good morning, Kakashi-san." I greeted, getting a closed eye smile from him.

"Good morning, Itami-chan." He got up from his position on the wall and walked over to me, handing me a bento box. I stared at it questioningly, slowly taking it. Seeing my confusion, he began to explain. "I wouldn't want you to starve since you won't be participating in the test. I will give you a bell and don't help the others, I want them to figure it out on their own."

I nodded in understanding and smiled, receiving a smile from him once again. I was very grateful, since I haven't eaten anything because of the rules he had given us. He also advised me to be two hours late with him so I won't have to wait. How very nice of him, but I was still concerned of my other comrades' wellbeing too of course.

Right now, we were visiting the cemetery, wanting to give our prayers to Rin and Obito before we head out. I never knew them personally, but just listening to Kakashi's stories of them let's me know that they were good people. I'm sure Rin and I would have gotten along, and I would have been close to Obito since he resembles Naruto. During our walk, I picked up some flowers for them.

I watched as Kakashi stood in front of Rin's grave and get lost in thought. While he did that, I placed the flowers besides Rin's grave then set flowers besides Obito's. I bowed to his grave and got on my knees, murmuring words to him.

Though, as I did this, I swore I could feel someone watching me. I looked over my shoulder to see a shadow disappear, making me narrow my eyes as I kept my guard up. I could feel no trace of it anymore, as if it's very existence vanished. But, a new presence showed up, one I knew so well along with three others.

"Kakashi! Itami! Challenge me!" A loud voice boomed, a dust trail being left behind as he ran towards us in a speed so fast I think I would have been left behind. His three students panting behind him, trying to catch up.

"Wait up, Gai Sensei!" TenTen pleaded, already out of breath while Lee still ran strong. His eyes were burning with youth as he actually caught up. I smiled at his antics and stood, standing next to a sighing Kakashi. Neji followed along, more in a foul mood than the others though.

"Good morning, Gai-san, TenTen-san, Lee-san, and Neji-kun." I greeted, bowing in respect as I do. They seemed shocked by the honorifics, especially Neji since I had used -kun instead of -san for him. I had no idea why though, probably because I see him as a respectful individual. Though, not only were they shocked, so was Kakashi.

"-Kun? Why does Neji get -kun?" It sounded as if he was jealous, like he wanted that title for years. He did. He always wanted to be referred to as -kun instead of -san since it meant a greater friendship and closeness. That's what he tried to achieve for years and years.

I nonchalantly shrugged, and gave a closed eye smile. "It's nice to see you again." I said, tilting my head a bit.

A tint of pink made it's ways to Neji's cheeks, which he futilely tried to hide. I paid no mind to it, thinking that it was just from being tired of running. Kakashi noticed this and narrowed his eyes, staring at him intently. I could literally feel the tension in his stare, it was so strong and hard. I tugged on his hand, making him look at me.

"Is something wrong, Kakashi-san?" I asked with concern, getting a reassuring closed eye smile. He shook his head and ruffled my hair, making me smile. He then looked over at Neji again, eyes in slits before he spoke again.

"We should head back. Oh, and Neji, may I speak with you?"

Hey guys! :) Another update, YAY! Anyway, what are you guys gunna be for Halloween, if you are going to dress up? Imma be an Akatsuki member, no one in particular though since I couldn't decide who. XD I hope you enjoy the chapter!



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