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Nagato POV

"You and Konan must live... Protect my daughter and love her as she was your own... Nagato, you're truly the savior of this world..."

His words rang in my head, sadness yet determination filling me as I vowed to protect what he believed in and his daughter, Ai, who was two months now.

"Where is she?!" I heard Konan, the mother, yell in distress. Loud crashes were followed by it, making me quickly check on her.

"Where's who?" I question, staring at the disastrous place, but many emotions of pain filling me as Yahiko, my best friend and the father, was killed not too long ago.

"I can't find Ai!" She shouted, tears threatening to fall as she hurriedly looks for a baby with blue hair and blue eyes.

Panic welled up in me as I started to search too. Her room-empty, the meeting room-empty, the entire hide out had no signs of her.

Konan was desperate now, crying her eyes out as she called her child's name over and over. I felt angry, guilt, but most of all, regretful; upset by the fact that my promise to protect her was only but words now. His wishes before he died was merely a waste now, but I refused to let them be that way.

"I'll look for her, even if it takes years, I'll keep looking." I promised, putting a hand on Konan's shoulder. "Do not worry, I'll get her back." I reassured and she looked at me, eyes red and puffy, but she smiled nonetheless, nodding.

"Thank you, Nagato..." She says barely above a whisper, closing her eyes as her last remaining tears fell.

Third POV

The man, the one who takes priority of the darkness in his village Konoha, was now holding a blue haired and blue eyed child. He had that scowl ever so present on his scarred, old face.

"Ai, such a weak name for weak people." He insulted, eyes in it's narrowed glare. "Itami is your new name..." He said humorlessly, smirking triumphantly as he finds the name fitting. "Itami meaning Pain..."

He walked off, towards the direction of Konoha as he plans to make this child his, as one of his loyal ANBU ROOT. His men, preferably called bodyguards in this situation, walked by him as some were well hidden beneath the shadows.

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