Chapter 3

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At the Akatsuki Hideout

A blue haired woman with a light blue flower on the side, ones that resembled of Itami's, was in a room that no member had dared to enter. The things beneath this room was a mystery to them, but known to only two. Her honey colored orbs were saddened, unshed tears filling them as her fingertips glide against a cool, white edge of a baby crib.

The room was practically the only live and colorful in the entire hideout, having had blue colored white walls with light clouds patterned around, a white crib in the middle of the room that was surrounded by a blue flower carpet that was placed under the soft, white carpet that enhanced the full room. Many stuffed animals were neatly placed around the room, making the room seem warm and welcoming. A happy, smiling sun was in the corner of a room while a tired moon was in the other side. Stars were in the dark side while light was in the sun's side. A white, tiny closet was at the back, a rainbow clock atop as well as some baby clothes. As well as a play house, near that was surrounded by a white, wooden cage-like dome. Toys and a mini tv inside. It was truly a child's dream room.

But her eyes were fixated on a frame that consisted of a blue haired and blue eyed baby that seemed only two months at age. She hesitantly, and slowly picked up the frame, tracing her thumb against the child's soft, innocent features.

The same thoughts have been running through her mind each passing year: Where was her baby?

She could only feel saddened as she hadn't seen the child in twelve years, visiting this room everyday hoping that she would be found. But to no end, she was only informed with words that broke her piece by piece.

A knock snapped her out of her thoughts as she placed the frame back down. "Who is it?" She asked, not a slightly sound of hurt in her voice as it stood perfectly stoic.

"It's Itachi." He informed, unable to see what was inside with his Sharingan because of the seal placed on it. "Leader-sama wants you in his office." He said, hiding his curiosity skillfully.

Not a moment wasted, the woman came out, the room behind her looking dark and gloomy as the lights were turned off. She quickly closed the door, not wanting to let anyone know of her missing daughter.

Itachi, after staring at the door for a long second, began following the blue haired Kunoichi over to the office of the leader of the Akatsuki organization. He still wondered what was so important in that room, merely hoping that it wasn't something that could put the village, Konoha, at risk.

She knocked on the door, and entered as she heard a 'come in' through the door. The man immediately took notice of her, Rinnegan eyes filled with slight guilt until they returned to their stern ones.

She had a questioning look on her face as she saw all the members in the room. Pain, seeing this, began to explain. "We will have a quick meeting and we will decide if to tell them or not."

She nodded, knowing where this was going due to their last conversation, and took her place next to him as Itachi took his next to Kisame.

"About fucking what?" The silver haired jashinist asked in irritation, annoyance evident in his voice as he had had to cancel his sacrificing.

"We need to find a certain somebody, someone very important." He informed, casting a worry glance at Konan for approval. She had shut her eyes tightly while nodding, knowing that the only way for them to find her daughter was for them all to know, even though she didn't want that.

"Her name is Ai, but she might have a different name now. She will be at twelve years of age, a child-" He continued, but was interrupted by Hidan's loud mouth.

"We have to look for a fucking brat?! What the hell man?!" He cursed, causing attention to himself.

"She isn't a brat. Like I said before, she is very important." Pain retorted, holding in his anger for the man since he had insulted someone so prized to him.

"I have to agree with Hidan; why should we go look for a brat?" Sasori asked cooly, void of any emotion. Pain: he could handle Sasori since he calls almost everyone a brat. "Plus, we don't even know her real name or how she looks. It'll be a complete waste of time." He added, his voice raspy since he was inside his puppet.

Pain knew he was right, but one glance at Konan and he knew he couldn't give up. He sighed, placing his hands in front of him, thinking of how to properly explain.

"I only have a short amount of detail, but she is very unique looking so it might not be a problem." Pain informed slowly, the other members perking up slightly. "She has blue hair and blue eyes. That is all I know of her features." He was debating wether to tell them or give them tiny hints that may or may not be true to his knowing. He couldn't simply tell them that she looked like Konan; her daughter. It could cause a ruckus and even might be used as a threat if one of the members decides to betray them.

His thoughts were disturbed as a loud, irritated groan was escaped from the jashinists lips. "Come on!" He complained, rolling his eyes. "How the hell are we supposed to find a girl with blue hair and blue eyes in this god damn world?! It'll take so fucking long!" He whined slightly, a childish frown on his mouth as he looks away, a bit slanted.

"I agree." A deep, raspy voice cut in, attention going to him. It was none other than the jashinists' partner, Kakuzu. "I'll do it if she'll be the new member, but we don't know you're plans, Leader-sama." He informed, gesturing that Pain should start explaining.

Pain pondered for a while, thinking of the child's future. "She'll be a great asset for our organization. She could also help collect money while you and Hidan are out looking for the jinchuriki." Pain explained, easily gaining an agreement with Kakuzu.

The others seemed to ponder about this too, but curiosity was higher. "Where are the most possible places for her to be in?" Itachi asked, not caring wether he does the job or not.

Pain had already checked all the places, except for one. A place where he never dared to step foot in, somewhere he was traumatized to be in. Slowly, he gave him a serious stare, jaw clenched.



Itachi was frozen, but it wasn't very noticeable due to his lack of emotion and always postured self; it merely looked like he was just standing. Konoha, his former village that he had betrayed, but still looked out for in the shadows, was where he was supposed to go. He didn't, wasn't able to even step foot in there, so he decided he would do this task when he has the courage. He had spoken to his partner, Kisame, about this already, and he seemed to agree.

Right now, they were in their Akatsuki cloaks, walking foot into the road as they were doing much simpler jobs; killing spies that had betrayed them.

The other members had many other things they had to do, so decided to do this somewhat important mission some other time. Pain had no objections to their choices, as long as they get them done.

Though, their curiosity intensified when they noticed the saddened look on Konan's, their higher league, face. They wondered if it had something to do with her, something they weren't supposed to know of. What they did know was that she visited that mysterious room everyday and would always bring a golden flower charm every year on the day of October 23. They once asked, only to be strictly ordered to never speak of that room.

But, their curiosity was stupidly growing, and they swore to see what's in that room.

Sorry that it was all... third person-y and based onto the Akatsuki. Next chapter will be... HEART ATTACK!!!

So, the Neji love won't happen for a long time, I'm debating wether they meet in the Chunin exams or she bumps into Gai, who so happens to be her weird friend. IM THINKING!!

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