Parents (Moceit)

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Hello everyone, I'm back. I hope this is alright. Sorry I almost forgot to post.

Roman and Remus aren't brothers in this, sorry if that frustrates you but it will make sense when you read it. Also, there is side Logince.
"Bye Roman, bye Logan."
"Bye Patton, you an Jan take care of yourselves."
"Yes, yes, Bye Remus."
"Bwyee Uncle Jan, Bwyee Uncle Pat." The 5 year old got right into the webcam lens.
"Look after your Dads Ree!" The little boy nodded and FaceTime was switched off.

Patton and Janus sighed. They had been on a long call with two of their best friends from college. The couple had recently adopted the little tyke, Remus, who had too much energy. They got tired just from looking at him but now they just sat cuddled there on the couch.
"They seem happy." Patton smiled.
"But that kid is totally not sucking the energy out of them."
"You know Roman and Logan. The two always loved a challenge." The pair laughed and Janus went to take the cookies from the oven in the adjacent kitchen.

"The oven timer hasn't even gone of yet, how do you know?"
"I always know." Perfectly golden cookie were set on the side. Patton moves his arms around his partner's waist and put his chin on Janus' shoulder. They stood in contemplative silence for a little while.

"What's on your mind, my dear?"
"I just... I know we've never really spoken about adoption but... with Logan and Roman getting their kid, it just makes me think-"
"About how happy they are?" The man in glasses nodded. "Well, we have another room and you always say how much you would want to raise a child."
"Let's bring some cookies to the couch and discuss it. We can even talk to the others about what requirements we need. Ok?"

They had been discussing the possibility of adopting for a while. They had managed to figure out a way to both work hard enough to support the child without working so hard at their jobs to experience burnout, Janus' idea.
The couple were about to submit the final form that would result in their request being approved or denied. Afterwards they would try and adopt.

Janus had his finger hovering over the submit button when he quickly drew his hand away. "Dear?"
"Sorry, I just..." The hat-wearing man's face started to drop and the beat of his heart started to sprint.
"Hey, hey, hey. Come on take a deep breath. There is no need to apologise, what's wrong?" Patton's warm hands held his partner's cold ones in a tight but not unpleasant grip.
"I just, I want to be a good dad."
"I don't want to be like him." Patton brought his partner into an embrace.
"You are not like him. You are incredible and kind and amazing. I love you with all my heart. You will never be like him."

That evening was spent with the two men cuddling and being reassured. The next morning Patton pressed submit and turned to Janus before saying:
"We will be amazing father's."
"Better than Logan and Roman."
"Obviously!....But you can never tell them that I said that."

A couple of months later Patton came crashing down the hallway by Janus' office.
"Pat! Are you ok!" He ran to pick up his partner from the hallway floor.
"I had to rush, We did it Jan! We did it!" The optimistic person was jumping like he was on a pogo stick.
"Did what?"
"We Did It! We Can Adopt! We Did It!" By then, both the men were jumping and squealing like two students who had just been asked out by their crushes.

Many of the lawyers were confused at the racket coming from the hall. They were even more confused when they saw the cold, mature, Janus Mendacious, leaping about like an overexcited puppy. They would be even more confused by the smile that he would wear after his son had arrived at his home the night afterwards.


"Roman, Logan, Remus! How are you all?" Patton answered the video call. With adoption they had been incredibly busy so this was the first one since a while.
"Uncle Pat! Look at my dinosaur!"
"Wow, it's amazing!"
"We're doing well. Roman has finally managed to stop Remus from drawing on the walls. Where's Janus?"
"Ah, well we have a little surprise. Don't be too loud though, he's not good with shouting."

The Prince family was looking intensely at their friends, well not the son, he was busy with his barbie. When Janus came in with a boy, the same age as Remus, on his shoulders the intense looks melted into wide grins.
"You're father's now!"
"Congratulations!" The Prince's were incredible happy for their friends and pleasantly surprised.
"This is Virgil, our son."

This introduction caused Remus to look up. In front of him he saw a small boy in a purple and black hoodie sat on Janus' lap. A timid smile ghosted over his face, Remus grinned at the idea of having a new friend. Whilst the parents spoke Remus continued to pull funny faces that would make Virgil giggle, then cover his mouth. A habit that he didn't grow out of but one Remus started to try and break once the two got older.

It was a couple of months after Virgil had been adopted. Although it had taken some time, the anxious boy had finally started to settle in. The boy was bright and had just finished his homework when he said it.

He was planning on going to the couch to watch an episode of Scooby Doo (It's a classic) but had smelt chocolate cookies. He snuck into the kitchen and saw his father putting a tray on the side to cool.
"Hot?" Virgil a child of few words. Patton whipped round.
"Yes! Shall I tell you when their ready?" Janus had just set his briefcase down and gave Patton a peck on the cheek.
"Are you giving him cookies?" Janus raised an eyebrow.
"Come on, just one won't hurt." Patton held the 'N' and both him and Virgil turned on the puppy dog eyes.
"Fine! But I get one too."

The group laughed and Virgil started to head back to the T.V. Not before calling a quick:
"Thank you Dad, Thank you Pops." To his parents.

Their was a lot of squealing. Janus' colleagues stopped being supersized when they saw the lawyer come into work beaming.

I hope that was ok. I really wanted to make Virgil their son so that's why Remus is Logan and Roman's.

I wanted to give you an extra oneshot but I had no Wi-Fi so I couldn't write. Updates will be back to every Saturday again. Sorry for disappearing on you all.

What did you think? Like anything? Dislike anything? Please let me know if you have any suggestions or I made a mistake. Look after yourselves.


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