Virgil Got Hot (Prinxiety)

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I'm sorry that all my prinxiety has been angsty. I thought I would try writing a fluffy one instead. I hope this doesn't go too badly.

Looking back it seems a little...I don't'll get what I mean.
"After my failed summer romance I have made a decision." I said to Patton and Logan as we all closed our lockers.
"And what's that Roman?" Logan led our group, seemingly uninterested in what I was saying.
"I will not fall in love again. For the whole year I shall abstain from all of that. No falling in love with boys at the drop of a hat."
Patton giggled and Logan also wore an amused smirk.
"What?" Their laughing got louder.
"It's just-never mind, I hope that goes well for you." Patton smiled.

We sat on/at our desks as we waited for the teacher. Students trickled in with their own groups.
"I just think their the bees knees."
"Please stop Patton."
"Would you beelieve me if I said that I couldn't?"
"C'mon Patton, bee serious now."
"It's 'come on' and really, Roman?"
"I'm in a good mood-"

That 'good mood' very quickly disappeared when I heard the screeching of my twin brother from the hallway outside. His friends were fine, if not a little odd, but they definitely encouraged his weirdness. At least over the summer I had a break from that. We were away so he didn't have them and there was a whole beach I could put between us.

"GREETINGS FUCKERS!" I face planted on the table.
"Language Remus!" Patton shouted as he crossed the room to his seat at the back.
"Sorry Patton." The tallest of their group, Janus responded as he too headed to the back.
"Sorry Patton." The most tolerable member, Virgil, said quietly as he stepped in the room.

I looked up, as it took me a second to recognise the voice. The deep voice did not match who I thought was heading to the back of the room and it seemed everyone else was just as shocked.

The kid who used to come into school wearing baggy hoodies and sweatpants every day, with greasy hair, weird eyeshadow under his eyes and braces that gave him a lisp, now sauntered in. He wore tight, black ripped jeans and a black leather jacket that had purple accents and a hood. Underneath was a black T-shirt that didn't leave much to a persons imagination. From what I could see the braces were gone and his makeup had got a lot better. And believe me, I was looking.

"Virgil got hot!" Patton grinned.
"Yes, he did." I said quietly. The bubbly boy looked at me.

After that morning it turned out that Virgil was everywhere. I had half my lessons with him, a perfect view of him at lunch and he worked backstage in the theatre department. My brother soon picked up on my involuntary obsession with him.

"Roman, can you stop?" He said, flopping onto his bed one day.
"Stop what? What are you talkings about Remus?"
"Y'know, stop undressing Virgil with your eyes," I spluttered for a response "It's kind of weird."
"I'm-I'm not doing that." I looked away from him.
"Yeah, you sound so sure of yourself."
"Ok, so maybe I am. He changed a lot over the summer."
"Yeah, he did that for a reason. That's not the point, you like him Roman."
"You know you do. And I'm angry about it."

I was furious about that! How dare he believe that he got to dictate who I liked or not! He was just my stupid twin brother who did dumb shit on the weekends and didn't care about important things!

"Why is it any of your business who I date?!"
"Because that's my best friend and last time I checked you have never cared about him before. You don't even know Virgil! I won't let him be used like that! HE DOESN'T DESERVE THAT!" I was shocked into silence and we both let it wash over us.
"Roman, I'm sorry. It's just, you never payed him any notice until he had a glow up. Believe me, I get why you have suddenly become interested now. But he is so much more than that."

As he left the room I started thinking. Remus was right, I didn't know Virgil. But I also didn't know that I actually really wanted to get to know him. Maybe I just needed to talk to Remus to realise that. Damn! I really should've been a better brother. But we both had our faults... and now I'm getting distracted. Moving on.

I walked into history the next morning, still thinking of what Remus had said. I didn't listen as the teacher droned on, until she said we could work in pairs. I shook myself out of my thoughts and looked up to see the emo, that had been running around my head, standing in front of me.
"Hey Roman. Mrs Jackson told us to work in groups and I kind of don't know anyone else in the class. If you have a group then it's fine but we could maybe work together."
"What-You want to-Yeah of course let's work together." I cursed myself but after hearing a small giggle from Virgil, I didn't mind my awkwardness.

"Hey Virgil, here's my number. We can finish the project at the library at some point. Text me."
"Okay." He said with a small smile and left the classroom.

After that I would send him a smile or speak to him briefly whenever we saw each other. Hours were spent texting him and I was falling more and more every moment. It didn't take long for Logan and Patton to realise that my daydreaming was of Virgil.

"So you and my dark strange son are getting close," I looked at Patton and he scrunched his nose in amusement. "Don't worry, I approve."
"I think what Patton is trying to say is: whatever happened to not falling in love Roman?" I flushed pink to my ears at this.
"So it turns out I was lying."

I'm relatively happy with it. This week has been rough but just the other day something amazing happened that made it amazing. If everything goes ok then I'll inform you people next week.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoyed this oneshot and that you all take care of yourselves.


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