Butterfly Wings 2 (Remile)

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A prequel to the first one. It kind of talks about why the fairies are hunted. Emile is a human and Remy is a fairy
Written: 7th, 8th, 10th November
Published: 04th March
T.W: The same ones as the first part, brief mention of being drunk
No one truly knows which came first.

Some say it was the butterflies.

Others say it was the fairies.

Remy says that humans should stop having this conversation because it doesn't matter. His father always said that people either hurt things they do understand or they try to understand them.

The town of Thisbet was, as far as most know, one of the only main places for fairies. Many live all over the area but Thisbet was their native land. When humans decided to settle there, there was a peace treaty written by the elders of each species. Lately though, the rules  had become a little flimsy.

You see, the fairies had been requested to start hiding their wings when interacting with humans. The human's reasoning was that it made everyone seem equal. But the blatant discrimination in the rule, as well as many other rules, was not the only thing angering the fairies.

Hiding wings is a simple process that is similar to clenching your fist. It meant that usually large, magnificent wings were now small enough to be mistaken for those of an actual butterfly. Experts believe that it was originally adapted for short periods of water travel where wet wings could be detrimental to a fairies' safety. However, after hiding them for a long period of time it becomes very painful and damages the appendages.

It certainly wasn't like the fairies could just stop interacting with humans. Their colleagues were humans. Their servers were humans. Their neighbours were humans. So they kept them hidden.

Maybe others weren't incredibly accepting of the peaceful beings but, apart from snide comments and questionable laws, they never acted on their prejudice. It was against the treaty to cause deliberate harm to someone from another species and that had been effective for most of the time.

There were the fanatics but they hadn't acted yet. Who knows what was stopping them but Thisbet definitely had a looming feeling that everything was going to go wrong soon, hanging over it.

I have previously mentioned one of our characters, Remy, but what I had probably failed to make clear is that he is relatively important. Yes he was just another fairy, with no high status but a particular interest for the effects of medicinal beverages. His friendship with a certain character was what made his existence so crucial.

He had formed and incredibly strong bond with a boy from the Town. Emile was very different from the standoffish fairy but the two clicked. Emile was the son of the town elders. Each one had a title and his father's was: 'The Elder of Fairy Laws', because he was the first one to address that "fairies should be treated differently". But, unlike his father, Emile saw no issue with the fairies' existence. So when he met Remy it didn't even dawn on him that he might be seen as lesser if they got too close.

Remy had been buying a multitude of ingredients from the market when the two had met. Emile had been at the same stall and they both wanted tattleroot. This got them talking as the plant in question had properties that made it a rather inconvenient ingredient. Many chose to use it for other purposes.

"I just find that it's so bitter." Emile grimaced as the two sat by the lake.
"It is, but it keeps you refreshed. Add some prokus and you can be up all night and look relatively flawless."
"Why would you want to stay up all night?"
"So much time is wasted sleeping!" Remy exclaimed, throwing his arms backwards.
"Emile, one day I will make you try it. If you don't like it then we add honey. If you don't like it after that, then I'll never speak to you again."
"Yes! What did you want the tattleroot for Emi?" The nickname made something in Emile flutter but he shrugged it off and answered.
"My father is having a dinner. Important people are coming. I'm making tattleroot with other stuff as a sidedish."

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