Magician's Assistant (Prinxiety)

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This week has been rough so enjoy the angst because I'm sAd. In all honest though, I hope you're all doing ok and you like this. I am actually excited to show this but who knows, you may hate it...

The trigger warnings have spoilers but your health is much more important than that so I hope you read them if you believe you might be at risk. Stay safe.
T.W: Cheating, attempted suicide (drowning), Royality, Anxiet (I know that some ships make some people uncomfortable so I thought I would put them as a disclaimer)
"Roman, you're late." The magicians' assistant, Virgil, said dejectedly. He was already dressed in his black slacks and white shirt, with red suspenders, which went well with the white and red suit that Roman should already have changed into. The tardy man had managed to avoid Logan's wrath by speeding to the dressing room and didn't want to give the stage manager another opportunity to scold him.
"Sorry Virgil, I was out. I'll be ready in a moment." He buzzed with the same excitement as every other show.

When the performer had got his costume on he went to discuss what the show was going to consist of. It wasn't anything new but the briefs are for safety and it eased Virgil's worries.
"So you know the drill. We start with the classic: Picking a volunteer's card. We pick two volunteers to tie you up to put you in the tank. You get out of the tank and onto the balcony. We end with another classic: Sawing you in half. Bows."

Roman's saw his boyfriend nod calmly but did not see the mask that fell upon Virgil's face as they were about to go on stage. The plastic grin would be clear to anyone that new him well. Sadly Roman just wasn't paying attention.

The theatrics all went as well as usual. The son of the owner, of the theatre, sat excitedly in the audience. Patton's smile was infectious, it was probably the reason that Roman had lost track of time and arrived late to start the show. The two had had a lovely walk in the park when they suddenly realised that they should make haste if they wanted to be there for, and perform in, the show that evening. Roman could forget everything around him when with the sunny man. Even his partner, who stood right next to him as they took their bows.

"Ro! That was amazing!" A squeal was heard by all backstage. The joyful man came bounding up to the magician and embraced him. This kind of intimacy wasn't new to Virgil, but he could see the rest of the staff looking at the two characters conversing. They were never usually so open about their.....friendship.

"Roman? Are you coming?" Virgil looked at him from the doorway. Everyone could sense the tension and looked quickly to Roman. I think that most of the group got whiplash after that day.
"I'm really sorry Virgil but Patton wanted to show me the lights. I know you don't like crowds and I-"
"Will you be coming home?"
"Of course I will! See you later."
Virgil sniffed as he left the theatre.

The assistant stayed awake all night, at the dining room table. Waiting.

What if Roman was mugged?
What if he had got hurt?
What if he lost his key or his way home?
What if something happened?
The only thing Virgil could do was wait for the one he loved to come home.

Roman didn't come home that night.

It wasn't unusual for the man to not come home but Virgil didn't want to bed on the of chance that it would be different. There was no way he would be asleep. He ignored how the sleep-deprivation that had lasted a couple of months was not benefiting his, already dwindling, mental health.

Roman's last performance in: The Right Brain Theatre was not supposed to be his last. Sometimes things don't always go the way they are planned.

The plan was to move the tank trick to the end, so as to give the act, at least a little, variety. The tricks themselves weren't changing but audience reacted differently when the saw things in different orders. It could've been considered a social experiment, seeing how much the enjoyment of certain tricks increase or decrease depending on when an audience sees them. Or maybe it was just that the stagehands were getting bored seeing the same thing over and over again.

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