Corner (Dukexiety)

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Guess which idiot almost forgot to update? This idiot!
Guess which idiot is having writer's block and a lack of motivation?
Also this idiot?
The two boys sprinted around the corner. They abruptly stopped, pressing their backs to the cold grey wall and panting. After they heard the fast click of their headmasters' stilettos fade away they burst into laughter.
"That was terrifying!" An 11 year old Virgil said between giggles.
"No it wasn't!" Remus, who was also 11, replied.
"Yes, yes it was." Virgil looked at his best friend and the two broke into another fit of laughter.

They had only met earlier that year, however their shared joy of dark humour and horror movies made them fast friends. They were the two weird kids, stuck in their siblings' shadows. So they stuck to those shadows together.

"Come on. We know that Headmaster Somnus is no match for us. Let's go and summon Charlie Charlie in the bathroom. Then we can-" Remus bounced on his heels.
"There's only 4 minutes of algebra left." Virgil replied quickly. The two had managed to miss most of the lesson by claiming that they had a joint appointment and then running rampant around the school.
"We only need 3."
"I don't know..."
"Charlie would want this." Remus already started to slowly walk away backwards.
"Charlie might want to be left alone."

But despite Virgil's objection, he was following his excitable companion.
"Let's go and find out!"
Remus grabbed Virgil's arm and the two boys ran giggling to the bathroom.


"Virgy, look at me." The 14 year old looked worriedly at his wheezing best friend. He grabbed his hand and rubbed his thumb over the knuckle. "C'mon Virgy, try and steady your breathing."

Remus was also panicking, he had never seen his emo friend like this. His mind was sprinting, trying to find solutions.
"Can you tell me 5 things you can see?"
"I-uh-I-I, y-you...the...b-bricks. Light f-f-from the window, d-down the h...hall. Your b-badge."
"It's ok, can you tell me 4 things you can hear?"
"Y-your voice, my b-breathing, yours. Uh...c-c-canteen."
"The talking?" Remus simply got a nod in response. "You are doing so well Virgy. 3 things you can feel."
"Scratchy...jumper. Itching," Remus gently moved his hand to grip Virgil's wrists. Not tightly, just covering them. "Your-your hands."
"Brilliant Virgil. 2 things you can smell."
"Cant-t-teen food, your aftershave."
"Almost there, 1 thing you can taste."

With Virgil's breathing steady Remus slowly moved his hands but didn't let go of his companions fingers.
"You gave me quite a scare there. You alright."
"Sorry, Roman just got to me that's all."
"No need to apologise. What he said was wrong." Virgil looked down as he quietly responded.
"You can take his side. He was right."
"What? No! No he wasn't. Virgil, you are not an unlovable freak."
"Listen to me Virgil. You are my best friend and pretty much the most amazing person I have ever met. I will not have you thinking that. You are not unlovable. I love you...BUT OBVIOUSLY IN A FRIENDSHIP WAY!" Remus ended quickly but he couldn't tear his gaze from the grey eyes in front of him.
"Thanks Remus, love you too. In a friend way." Virgil smirked and Remus felt the corners of his mouth quirk upwards.

The two realised how close they were and swiftly moved apart, pressing there backs to the wall behind them. This had become their corner. Where they had their deepest chats or where they hid away from people like Headmaster Somnus.

"Also, about what Roman said...are you a freak in bed?"
"Oh My God! Shut Up!"
"Too soon?"
"Just a little."
"...I bet you are though. I bet you're into some-"
"I'm walking away Remus." Virgil sung as he pushed himself off the wall. He tried to look annoyed but it looked more like amusement."

Remus laughed to himself before picking up his bag.
"Hold on Virgin, you can't get rid of me that easily."
The two boys headed to their next class.


Virgil walked by the hallway with the dead end, the one that had been made into the corner that he and his best friend hid in. It was dark but the boys still used it, even at the age of 16.

Now Virgil was way to busy on his phone to see a tanned arm grab his pale wrist. Before he could register what happened, and that their two arms contrasted perfectly, he was yanked into the darkness. The tanned hand, that connected to the previously mentioned tanned arm, clamped onto his mouth.

Virgil's coal eyes filled with panic before they met the ivy ones of Remus.
"Virgy, shut up ok. I'm avoiding Roman." The crazed boy poked his head out before looking at him again. "He acts like my babysitter. I don't want to be stuck in his car with the boy he wants to fuck. It's like the worst porno ever, there's not even any porn!"

Virgil snickered behind his friends hand.
"Sh, sh, sh. If anyone sees you then Roman will know where I am, because I'm mostly with you after school." Virgil nodded but his eyes still held amusement.

Remus continued to stick his head out in minute intervals until he was finally satisfied that his brother would've left the school by now.
"We're safe." He sung realising that their chests were pushed together but choosing not to move further back unless Virgil showed any discomfort.
"Can you move your hand now?" Virgil said, voice muffled.
"I can put it somewhere else if you like Virgy." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively but only put his hand on the wall by the emo's head.

"Haha. Very funny." Virgil rolled his eyes but pink dusted over his lightly freckled cheeks. He could hear Remus' breath as it mixed with his and looked directly at him.

They were so close together.

Heads slowly moving closer.

Lips gently touching.

The two were kissing.

And they loved it.

"We should talk about this Remus." Virgil said softly as they pulled apart.
"Later." And sparks were flying again.

This might've never happened if they hadn't found that corner.

I liked it. I tried to make Remus a little bit more like his cannon self so sorry if the dirty jokes weren't so great. I also wonder if you know who the headmaster is. It probably would only take a quick google search to find out but yeah.

I hope you are all looking after yourselves.


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