Prom (Royality)

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So this wasn't based at all on the Netflix movie/ the musical. I actually wrote this a while ago. I hope you people like this.
"By Dahlia, bye Valerie!" Patton waved as the two turned around the corner. He looked down at Roman and grinned. "Still can't find them?"
"I will Patton, just give me a...second...AH HA!"

Patton giggled as the boy next to him held his keys in the air, shaking them about and making a jingling sound.
"Alright, you told me so."
"Yes I did, now let's goooooo." The one in the red letterman jacket started to walk away, pocketing his keys. Patton just sighed in amusement before catching up.

Their conversation was mainly filled with talk of the prom. As the two head boys, Dahlia and Valerie being the two head girls, they had to help organise the school dance. This meant sorting the budget, finding a theme, finding a photographer, deciding the music and deciding the actual date.

"The Darksides said they would play for it."
Roman declared looking pleased with himself when he saw that Patton was clearly impressed.
"Woah, how did you do that? Did you have to beg Remus?"
"Not as much as I thought. Apparently they are desperate to break Virgil's social anxiety and start getting gigs."
"Does throwing him into the deep end sound like a good solution..."
"Hey, hey Patton. Remus and Janus care a lot about Virgil. They wouldn't want to hurt him."
"Yeah you're right Roman. Thank goodness I have you to reassure me."

Patton clung to Roman's arm as he said this, making his best friend flush a crimson that rivalled the one on his jacket. They walked like this until they got to Roman's door, continuing the conversation of the dance as if the affection was not causing them both to be awfully flustered.

The two seemed reluctant to let go but Roman eventually pulled away to unlock his door. He had been trying to work up the courage to ask Patton something for weeks now and he finally thought he could do it.
"Hey Pat?" The boy in glasses looked at his friends back. Roman was too nervous to look him in the eyes.
"Yeah Ro?"
"Well, y'know the expectation is that we go to prom with Dahlia and Valerie. We are the head boys and that's what most head boys did."
"Well, yeah, but the were probably nothing like us. Did you have someone else in mind?" Patton tried to push down his disappointment.

Roman heard the click of the door being unlocked but before he could open the door and scurry away, he felt himself turning around. His desperation to see Patton's reaction greatly outweighed his fear of looking him in the eyes.
"Well, I was wondering if you might want to go with me?"

Before Roman new it, the glasses wearing boy had tackled him in a hug.
"Yes! Yes! Yes! I would love to Roman!" Patton giggled and practically made Roman's heart melt.
"Oh that's-that's good. You better get home. How about I text you? We could discuss...stuff?"
"Sounds great," Patton squeezed Roman one more time before letting go. "By Roman."

Roman watched him go off, a lovesick smile painted on his features.


Roman: So, the dance starts at 6:30 and ends at 9
Roman: I can pick you up at 6 and we could get food
Roman: What food do you want?
Patton: Ro I can hear you fretting through your texts
Roman: Sorry Pat
Roman: I just want it to be perfect
Patton: If I'm going with you then it will be
Roman: Flirting is my thing!
Patton: Ok ok ok
Roman: Should we plan what we're wearing
Roman: Like matching
Patton: That's a great idea. You're the fashion expert. Lead the way.
Roman: Well it's smart casual
Roman: So dress pants and a shirt
Roman: Maybe ties
Patton: Bow-ties are cool
Roman: You would probably suit a bow-tie
Roman: So white shirt
Roman: It's a classic
Roman: Smart dress pants
Roman: You have black right
Patton: Yes
Roman: Brilliant
Roman: Get a blue bow-tie
Patton: On it
Roman: I can't wait!
Patton: Me neither! I have to go
Roman: But where do you want to eat
Patton: Wendy's
Roman: Ok
Roman: Love you Pat
Patton: Love you too, bye Ro

~<•>~ (I'm skipping them eating Wendy's take-away because 1: I have never been to a Wendy's and 2: because it's probably not very interesting. So, yeah)

The two excitable teens walked into the room. It wasn't pretty emptied and the people who were there were part of setting it up. You could hear a quiet buzz of chatter and excitement. Although, the two were head boys, they had given the job of designing to the two sassiest people in their school, Remy and Dice (Is that Critic's name please tell me).

Flashing lights of pastel hues moved across the walls. The stage was dressed in similar colours and there were tables scattered around with flowers. People were slowly trickling in and the band was setting up on stage. Roman went to congratulate the decor team whilst Patton went to his friends on the stage.

"Virgil, Remus, Janus. Good luck. You'll do great." Patton said, enthusiastically putting two thumbs up. The group were all in black shirts and trousers but their signature colours that added a bit of extra flair.
"Thanks Patton, you look good. I'm sure Roman was pleased." Janus replied with a calm smirk. Remus stood setting up the drums but shot him a wide grin.

"Thanks Janus." Patton looked over to see Virgil's shaking hands. "Hey Virge, you ok?"
"Wh-what? Y-y-yeah?"
"Virgil you will do amazing ok. I'm so proud of you." The boy in a blue bow-tie shot his friend a reassuring smile.
"O-ok. Thanks Popstar."
"Haha, music and dad themed nickname!" Then Patton left to look for his matching counterpart amongst the crowd. It didn't take too long but both felt lighter as soon as they locked eyes.

The two spent the evening acting and the band was getting continually frustrated that neither Roman nor Patton had decided to make their move yet. They played well but decided that the final dance would be the most show-stopping couples dance that there had ever been.

Remus shot Roman a look and that said:
If you don't take your date onto the dance floor right now then you will not have any legs to use on a dance floor ever again.

Roman nervously held out his hand, Patton cautiously placed his hand in the palm and as soon as he met Roman's eyes, all his worries dissipated.

As they moved to the dance floor, the surroundings melted away. Arms linked together. Honey and aquamarine eyes holding a strong gaze. Feet waltzing across the floor in perfect time. Two head boys completely and utterly in love.

Some  gave the couple surprised glances, expecting Valerie and Dahlia to be in their arms respectively, but nobody was disparaging. Many people kicked themselves because they should've seen it. The majority were giving, or taking money from, each other because of bets they had made about the couple.

Everyone could agree that it had taken the two wonderful characters much too long for them to realise their affection for each other. Next time, the couple's friends collectively decided, they would give those in the situation a little shove.

But I guess your first kiss being at prom is pretty romantic so maybe it was worth the wait.

Just a nice fluffy oneshot to start of 2021. Hopefully we have a better year. Thank you all so much for all your support throughout last year. You kept me motivated and I hope you have enjoyed everything so far. Have a lovely day and take care of yourselves.


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