Lemonade (Loceit)

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150 reads!!! Thank you all so much and I hope you enjoy this.

Human AU, they are in college/university/higher education (whatever you want to call it). I probably should have done a Moceit oneshot because of the last video, however, this idea wouldn't have worked as well. Also it's fluff.

Logan jumped. He had been bending over a book of equations for a while now.
"Sorry. I dropped the sign."
"It's quite alright. Now, if my calculations are correct-"
"Which they always are." Janus interjected in a sing song voice.
"Yes, well." Logan flushed pink, they had been boyfriends for a while now, but his comments would never seize to effect the intellectual boy. "We should be selling lemonade for 2 dollars per cup. I need to check on how many lemons we have left, we don't want to empty the tree."
"You go on ahead, I'll start, it's a perfect day to sell lemonade."
"I guess it is."

Logan let a small smile grace his lips as headed to the garden of his apartment building. It was a communal one that Logan didn't tend to use but Janus did, when he was staying with Logan, which was rather often now. That's why Logan had to take into account that others, like his neighbour Patton who had an incredible talent for baking (Patton had dropped a pie round when he first moved in), may need the lemons.

They had met in college, originally Janus stayed with his father but after coming out, the old man didn't really know what to do. He didn't kick his son out, he still loved him, he just didn't know how to act around him. Janus would much rather be with his boyfriend who's parents lived to far away to not rent an apartment on school grounds. They had a strong bond and cared about each other, never getting sick of the others company.

They had met in their philosophy class and clicked. Most of their evenings were populated with deep discussions about humans and why they act the way they do. Logan has never been one for feelings, he doesn't need tell you that, but he almost felt drawn to, what he considers, his other half. Logan didn't think that Plato's theory on "soulmates", if you will, was wrong.

They just felt right for each other. A feeling they couldn't explain.

But right now Logan was feeling something he could explain, frustration. There weren't very many lemons left so he could only take a couple more. He might need to completely re-write his calculations so as to get a worth-while profit that can help him and Janus. Maybe he would need to lessen the portion sizes. This means he wouldn't be able to start his physics essay until later moving back the whole schedule and meaning that it wouldn't be of a satisfactory quality seeing as he would not be at his peak of mental capacity because it would be in the evening. He would be tired and distracted.

He huffed and walked away with the last few lemons in his hands.

"Babe, what are you doing, you're going to get pain in your back from bending over work too much." Janus said as he massaged my shoulders. The evening was falling and people were dwindling. Apart from the added stress of the Lemonade stand I also had a difficult essay on morales. The topic was, as follows:

Society deems lying to be a terrible act that shouldn't be done at all costs. Many religions proclaim that Hell will find a place for you if you lie.
However, if  you had just left your friends home and were met with a heavyset man with a bloody axe, and asked you if your friend was home, what would you do?
If you lie then you have gone against one of the things you have learnt from society, but should that rule overcome the importance of saving a life?

We had to write an essay on it. I was writing from both points of view, my religious background helped me with some arguments and I had a sound moral compass. The essay itself was certainly not difficult, I was just mentally exhausted from school and hadn't decided to take care of myself properly. So now I was leaning into my boyfriends hands as he massaged the muscles in my back.

"I closed up the stall. You have no need to worry, we definitely met your goal."
"I don't think we did. Remember I had to redo calculations because of the weather, and I was focusing on schoolwork."
"Take a step back from the essay, you need to take a breather." Janus pulled Logan's chair from the table that he was sitting at. They both had only just realised the setting sun too busy talking and working the day away. Whilst Logan was distracted by the strokes of orange and yellow that painted the sky, his partners shuffled the papers and put them in the crook of his elbow.

"Help me put this stuff away and I can explain to you exactly why it's all going to be okay. It's only the end of a Saturday after all, we have the whole of tomorrow." The couple went in and out of their apartment complex as the sun drifted away until the sky was an indigo. They sat on their leather couch in a comfortable embrace, neither bone crushing, nor distant. They just fit together perfectly, like a puzzle close and safe but not claustrophobic. A jar had almost been emptied of money.

"Well frankly, this is impossible. We've got almost a third more profit then my calculations predicted." Logan looked down at the piles of notes and coins.
"Just our lucky day then."
"That would be lovely but the quantity we made wouldn't—maybe it was sizes—but even then."
"Hey it's fine, you met you're goal. I knew you would. You might've just overestimated how much to charge."
"I know that tone, what did you do?"
"Well, babe, you know-"
"What did you do?"
"Just charged a little bit extra," Janus answer with a sheepish grin. "It was such good quality." Logan kissed his boyfriend.
"Well thank you, but next time, don't try and lie to me. It will never work." With that Logan stood up and left quickly followed by Janus.

I'm not too sure about this one. I'm just glad I met my word count aim. If I have made any a errors please let me know.

If you have any requests don't be afraid to ask. Or even if you just have a prompt, I want to write things that you would enjoy. Stay safe everyone and take care.


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