Movies 2 (Demus)

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This was requested by @StormCloudLulu so I hope you enjoy it and that I wrote the kind of thing you were hoping for.
After that movie date, Janus and Remus agreed to go on more. They both left feeling elated, even if they hadn't kissed yet.

They continued to talk everyday and Remus would meet Janus at the movie theatre on some of his shifts. They found that work and education did get in the way of them seeing each other as often as they would've liked but they still texted every morning and night.

They made it work.

They had their second date not too long after their first and went to a nice, family owned pizza place. Remus' best friend was Italian and his family ran it. Throughout the evening Remus had to ignore the looks and mouthed questions that would come from his friend Remy, behind the counter. Janus would pretend not to notice.

All the talking was a nice contrast to the lack of conversation when they watched that movie and as Janus looked into the green springs of Remus' eyes he found him wanting to know the deeper aspects of the boy. Not just the surface level information.

After the Pizza arrived and their was a conversation change due, Janus piped up with:
"What's your favourite childhood memory?"

Remus silver eyebrow piercing rose as his eyes widened.
"No one's asked me that before."
"I can tell, what is it?" Remus looked at his pizza in thought before a smile made its way across his face. It wasn't as demented as his usual one, more subtle than that, and Janus thought that it was beautiful.

"You know I have a twin, Roman," Janus nodded "Well we never got on super well,  but one time, and we probably weren't much older than 11, we decided to do a prank war. We spent the whole Christmas break trying to do prank each other." Remus laughed.

"We never hurt each other but it was the classics, y'know. Fart cushions, cling film on the toilet, replace the middle of an oreo with toothpaste, drawing on their face with sharpie. All those great ones. Every single day we would wake up with something new."

"It was so great because neither of us would argue, we would spend the day laughing because of whatever happened. We never laughed at each other, we laughed with each other."

"We worked as a team on Christmas Day. We made a figgy pudding but it was actually a ballon. When mama cut it, it sprayed the whole family and nobody could stop laughing."

As Remus laughed at the memory, his eyes crinkled up. It was a giggle that sounded too pure to be owned by the man but as Janus watched his happiness he felt his heart swell.

They didn't kiss at the end of that date either, but Janus walked Remus home and the two hugged for a long time before Remus ran through his door. Neither person's mood could be dampened for the rest of the week.

The second date the two went on was skate boarding. It was kind of on a whim because Janus was having a really bad evening and the two were FaceTiming. Remus managed to convince Janus to meet him at the local park and to bring his skate board.

They spent hours laughing at each other and taking funny videos. It was spring so it wasn't too dark. Eventually they decided to take a break and sat on a park bench. They knew that they would definitely have to jump the fence when they wanted to leave, the park would definitely be closed by now. Neither of them wanted to leave just yet though.

Janus felt a lot better sitting on that bench with Remus.

"What do you want to do in the future Remus?" Janus asked, tucking his feet up and under him on the bench.
"Be a pornstar." Remus said matter-of-factly which makes Janus laugh.
"Actually though?"
"It sounds dumb."

Janus pouted and Remus turned away, mumbling something. After a little bit more pushing Remus sighed and looked at Janus.

"I want to be an Aquarist..." Janus looked at him questioningly, "y'know, they look after marine life. Aquarists specialise in a certain aspects, like safe breeding or maintaining aquatic exhibitions. I know it's dumb but-"

"No it's not."
"Remus," Janus placed his hand on his knee and looked him in the eyes. "It's not dumb at all. It's really cool."
"You think so?" Remus furrowed his brows and Janus bit his snakebites fondly.
"Yeah. Tell me more about it."

Remus walked Janus home that time and when they got to the door both boys didn't want to separate. As they said their goodbyes Remus built up some courage. As Janus opened his door Remus called his name and quickly pressed a kiss to his cheek before running away.

When Janus got in to his house he felt his vitiligo covered cheek. It was warm with his blush. Janus smiled so wide for much longer after that.

There was quite a large gap between their third and fourth date. Summer had been exam season so both boys were busy at work and by the time they were finished they were so mentally exhausted that just getting out of bed felt like a chore.

It was the very end of summer, or the very start of autumn, when they had their fourth date. Remus wanted to take Janus to see the sunset on the last day of the beach being open. After that it would be locked up for autumn and winter. Janus happily agreed and they drove for about an hour to the place, a couple of hours before sunset.

They messed about in the water and had picnic, music playing in the background on a little speaker. The whole beach was empty but the energy of the two filled the space. Whether it was the nervous giddiness of not seeing each other in a while, or the amount of love they held for each other, the beauty of their buzzing energy was truly a sight to behold.

As the sun set, they were silent. Just watching the amber slowly drip down the sky, making way for a violet that would soon be an indigo, that would soon be a black. Their hands were interlaced. If anyone had asked they would've said that neither knew who had initiated it but that they certainly didn't want the other to let go.

After the last bit of the star was gone from the horizon Remus turned to Janus.
"It's time for me to ask you a question."
"Is it now?" The two were much quieter than before, not wanting to disrupt the atmosphere.
"Yes, but I'm nervous."
"Take your time."

Janus saw Remus nod and heard a slight intake of breath before he heard the question.
"Will you be my boyfriend?" Janus felt himself smile wider than ever before.

The two slowly leaned in and this time, their lips met.

They wished they hadn't waited so long because the kiss was electric.

The rest of their story isn't worth telling. You can probably find the same happy ending they had, in a movie.

How was the ending? Any good? Do you get it? Probably.

Anyway. I hope you liked this and that it wasn't too bad. I wanted to get it out as soon as possible so please point out any mistakes if there are any.

I love interacting with you people so if you have any advice or requests, or you just want to have a conversation please message me. Take care of yourselves.


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