Ch 15) Hospital Visit

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The girl shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know? Maybe the fact that just four days ago, our teammate tried to kill you, and nearly succeeded." Her tone was completely sarcastic.

The Uzumaki shook off her concerns with a shake of his head. "Don't worry about me, Sakura." He gave the girl a wide smirk. "It's going to take a lot more than that to kill me." Truthfully, he endured worse from the villagers in his younger years. It had been awhile since anything like that had happened to him. So it was more of a shock than anything else. His healing was severely unreformed. Lately he only needed to use it to heal minor injuries that he got during training. Or even wounds that Tenten had received. Nothing life threatening. Plus,there is no effective way to hone it. It's not like he can willingly put himself or anyone else in harm's way just for training purposes.

Sakura didn't really believe he was just fine and dandy, but she knew no amount of pestering was going to get him to open up. So she let it go for the time being.

The rest of the journey to the hospital was amicable to say the least. The pair engaged in small conversations about training, their Sensei's desire to keep his face hidden, and who they thought had a real shot at becoming Chunin. Naruto seemed to think Sakura was not too far off. His exact words were, "You just need a little more real mission experience. Keep training and getting stronger, as well as honing your mind, and you will be chunin in no time." Sakura was surprised that he was being so kind to her. After her previous actions toward him and her finally accepting the different Naruto than the one she knew in the academy, she was sure he hated her. Or at the very least greatly disliked her.

The girl stared at her blond teammate once more. "Why are you being so nice to me, Naruto? I've been nothing but a bitch to you this whole time. Plus I thought you hated me?" Sakura looked like she was about to start crying. She couldn't understand how he could so easily forgive and forget all the terrible things she has said and done to him.

The blond looked at her like she was crazy. "First of all-" he gave her another smile. -I don't hate you, Sakura. Your attitude on the other hand, I find annoying." Naruto glanced at her to make sure she did not take offence to what he said. It looked like she was okay, so he continued. "As for how you have treated me. Don't worry about it. We're Ninja now, and if I let petty things like how my team members treated me bother me, I wouldn't be a very good one." His smile grew wider. "So let that thought be the furthest thing from your mind."

She nodded her head at the blond, and they made their way into the hospital, and up to the front desk. "Excuse me, maam?"

The women at the desk turned to look at the pinkette. "Yes, how can I help you, sweetie?"

Sakura smiled up at the women with practiced ease. "Can you tell me what room Sasuke Uchiha is staying in?"

The woman returned the smile with a caring one. "Certainly, honey. Let Me Just take a look in my computer real quick." She turned back to her computer and typed a few things on the keyboard, before turning back to the genin pair. "It says here that Sasuke Uchiha is on the 12th floor. Room L4 to be exact." She finished her explanation, sending them on their way.

They walked up to the elevator. Naruto turned his head back over his shoulder. "Thank you."

The women smiled and waved at the blond. "No problem." She turned back to her computer after that.

Sakura and Naruto both got into the elevator, and the Uzumaki pressed the button for the 12th floor. Right as the door was about to close, Tenten and Neji came through. "Hey Tenten." Naruto shot her a smile. He sent a small glare to her teammate. No one seemed to notice. "Are you here to visit Lee?"

Tenten looked down, before returning his smile with a sad one. "Yeah. What are you guys doing here."

"We're visiting Sasuke. Orochimaru did something to him during the second exam. So he has to stay in the hospital for a few days," Naruto explained, answering her silent question about why their 3rd team member was there.

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