Fair Game: Sundrop pt.1

Start from the beginning

"It's not so cool, when you're just basically a prisoner." Punzie muttered.

"Huh?" Clover asked confused.

"Growing up...my mother never let me leave the house...never. Every time I would ask to go outside, she would yell at me...or sometimes hit me. And when she would leave the tree house, she would take the rope ladder with her so I couldn't escape while she was gone." Punzie explained.

"Why would she do that to you?" Clover asked.

"I have no clue. Maybe she just wanted someone to control, someone to take all her frustrations out on, someone to do all the chores while she went out and did gods know what. She would always tell me that I was too weak, delicate, and stupid to survive in the outside world; that people would only take advantage of my kindness and beauty; that the world was ugly and not worth seeing. For a long time...I believed her. Until I started reading all these books about...well, everything. The more I read about the world, the more I wanted to see and experience it. For once I just wanted to feel the grass between my toes. When I was thirteen, I was sitting at my window, just praying to the gods for a chance to escape for just one moment...that's when my hair started to grow, it grew so long that I used it to climb down to the ground; it was that day that I discovered my semblance. So, from then on I would sneak out when my mom was out and teach myself how to fight. I wanted to be a huntress to see the world and protect all that makes it beautiful." Punzie told Clover.

"I'm so sorry your mother was so cruel to you." Clover said frowning sympathetically.

"When my acceptance letter from Atlas Academy came, I was so happy. It felt like that piece of paper was my ticket to freedom. Two nights ago, while my mother was sleeping, I snuck out and went to Mistral and took the first train to Argus, and from there I went to Atlas." Punzie said staring at the shattered moon.

"Well, your mother was wrong about you. You are not weak or stupid, that was apparent in the mines." Clover said.

"Is the world as beautiful as it is in the books?" Punzie asked.

"It's even more beautiful." replied Clover.

"Come on, I'll show you something I know you'll love." he said standing up.

"Isn't it past curfew?" Punzie asked, fiddling with her hair.

"Yeah, but we could sneak out. Just this once, of course, I don't want make a habit of breaking the rules." Clover said putting his boots on.

He hands Punzie's boots to her.

"It's kinda cold out there, you might wanna put on a jacket." Clover told her.

"Ummm...I don't have a jacket. I ran away from home with nothing but a couple books, this night gown, a handful of lien I stole from my mother's purse, and the clothes on my back. I don't even have a scroll." Punzie said shyly, her hair hiding her face.

Clover goes into one of the closets (no one has unpacked yet) and pulls out a complimentary Atlas Academy hoodie (each dorm room for the first years had four in them). He hands the hoodie to Punzie.

"Don't let your hair cover your face...you're too beautiful for that." Clover said brushing her hair behind her ear.

Punzie smiles as she puts on the hoodie and her boots.

"Soooo, how are we getting out of here?" Clover asked.

Punzie just gives him a look, then opens the window and points to her hair.

"Oh...wouldn't that hurt?" Clover asked with a light chuckle.

"Nope. My neck and roots are really strong. Also, when I activate my semblance, my hair is indestructible and can't be cut." Punzie replied activating her semblance and letting her growing hair fall out the window to the ground below.

Clover climbs down Punzie's hair, which had a golden glow when her semblance was activated.

"Okay, I'm on the ground. How are you gonna get down? There's nothing for you to hook your hair onto." Clover whispered as loud as he dared to.

"Catch me!" Punzie whispered back.

"Wait...what?!" Clover said eyes widening.

Before Clover could stop her, Punzie jumps out the window. He holds his breath as he extends his arms ready to catch her. Once she lands safely, bridal style, in his arms, he exhaled.

"Good grief, you sure are a risk taker." Clover commented.

"Well, when you lived your whole life in a four-hundred square foot tree house with a mentally and emotionally abusive mother, you'd want to live your life to the fullest and try everything." Punzie said.

"Well, when you put it that way..." replied Clover, setting Punzie down.

Clover leads his new partner to the roof of a very tall building in the northern part of Atlas.

"So, what did you want to show me?" Punzie asked as Clover held his hands over her eyes.

"Okay, look up at the sky....right....now!" Clover said uncovering Punzie's eyes.

Punzie is left speechless when she sees a series of purples, pinks, yellows, blues, and greens shimmer across the sky in a wave like motion. She stares at the sky with a wide smile and a child-like wonder in her eyes.

"You like it?" Clover asked.

"I LOVE it!" Punzie cheered bouncing up and down.

"It's...it's like the gods took a bunch of paint brushes and brushed them across the sky, creating beautiful art for all of us to see!" she said with a twirl.

"Haha, I've never heard someone describe it that way." Clover said smiling.

"THANK YOU, CLOVER!" Punzie shouted jumping onto him, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck.

"You're welcome." Clover replied patting her back.

"We're gonna be best friends! Ya know, I've always wanted an older brother to protect me, guide me, be there for me, and to pick me up when I'm down. Can you be that for me?" Punzie asked.

Clover had only known this girl for a day, but he was willing to risk life and limb if it meant her protection and happiness.

"Lucky you, I've always wanted a sister growing up." Clover told her.

Punzie lets out a joyful squeal, grinning from ear to ear, and hugs Clover's neck tighter. They sneak back to their dorm and try to get some sleep before their first official day of huntsman academy.

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