63.Dear Christmas,

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Dear Diary,

I don't know where to start.
Harry came home. Two days before my birthday.

It all happened on Christmas night.

-Have you heard to know him is to love him?

+Yeah I think I have. How did it go?

-To know know know him
Is to love love love him
Just to see that smile
Makes my life worthwhile


-It's such a simple song but the lyrics is just so raw and touching. Don't you think?

+Yeah it's a good song. Wanna watch a movie?

-Nah I'm sleepy.


-I'm offended that you even asked.

+Take it easy now.

-You smell nice.

+It's deodorant might wanna try it sometimes.

-Hey!! Why are you being mean today? You literally stay in my room and know that I do use them!

+I know love I'm just messing with you.

-You better be.

+You know... I'm not blind.


+Why can't he see?
How blind here he be?
Someday he'll see
That he was meant just for me

-Congratulations you know the rest of the song.

+Do you really think I don't get your little hints?

-I just like the song.

+Cut the bullshit. It's ok.

-Can we just sleep?

+I love you.

-You what?

+I love you.

Harry told me he loves me. You know how long it took him? 5 years. 5 long ass years.

+I'm sorry for kissing you and running away and I'm sorry for not telling you sooner. But I think it was better like this.

-Harry what are you saying?

+At first I didn't tell you cause you had your problems and I thought it would be better to be your friend through that. Then some shit happened and it just wasn't right. I wanted to wait until everything was a bit more stable. And honestly I wanted to be sure of my feelings.

-I'm- What!?

+Darling you can't be this shocked. We kissed before.

-That wasn't even a kiss.


And you know what he did next?


How am I still alive???

-I love you.

+I love you too.

-Ok stop it's freaking me out.


-I don't know! You- I- ugh I don't know.

+It's ok. We'll work through this.

-But you're leaving for school.

+Just to pack my stuff.

-You're done?

+All done.

-Where are you staying?

+Maybe here until I find somewhere I can afford? If you and Ned are cool with it.

-Yeah. Yeah that's good.

+I love you.

So to sum it up.

1-Harry loves me.

2-Harry kissed me.

3-Harry's done with college.

4-Harry's coming home.

5-Harry's gonna stay here.

6-Harry kissed me again.

Is it obvious that I'm freaking the fuck out?
Is it obvious????

What do I even have to say anymore.
All I wanted this time was to hear those words and now I don't know what I'm supposed to do!

I'm gonna go cry.
Or maybe die.
Yup that sounds better.

Dear Diary, // L.SWhere stories live. Discover now