16.Dear Ocean,

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Dear Diary,
I felt lighter.

I felt better because I got the solution to one of my problems.

School was nicer.
I had launch with Sky and Amora. We laughed and talked about Sky's new crush. It was a good time.

I got home purged and did my homework. I tried drawing a bit. Drawing always calms me down.

I left for work at 4:30.

Three hours into my shift a costumer yelled at me for getting their order wrong. I locked myself in the bathroom for 20 minutes crying my eyes out.

Diary I can still feel happy. I can still smile. I can still find beauty.

But at a point in the middle of all that a wave of sadness hits me. And suddenly everything joyful turns bad. No joke is funny anymore and darkness surrounds me.

At that moment I feel like I'm drowning.
I'm drowning deep in the water.
My lungs are giving out,
But my mind says that I don't need to breathe.

Anyways. The manager was mad at me. I got him to calm down with Ned's help. He said if I behave like that again I'll get fired. I told him that was the last time. At least I hope.

Ned said I have to talk to him. I told him there's nothing to talk about. He didn't believe me. He sweared he won't judge me. I suggested he can get his head out of my butt and gracefully place it somewhere else. He didn't talk after that.

If I'm being honest I regret talking to him like that. I'll probably apologize to him tomorrow. Shit we don't have work tomorrow! I'll just text him I guess.

I think that's all for now.

Dear Diary, // L.SWhere stories live. Discover now