9.Dear Algea,

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Dear Diary,
All he does is hit me and then fuck me. I sometimes cry and scream so much I can't talk after.
It's been two and a half months and things have gotten so bad.

I caved and told Ned everything. He said I should break up. It's like I know that's the right thing to do but I just can't do it. What if he says he kills himself again? How can I be responsible for that?

Ned says he wouldn't do that. That's what people say to keep others in abusive relationships. I told him I'm not being abused. He smiled and nodded. I cried.

My ribs hurt so bad. Ezra said I can't go to the doctor because they'll ask me what happened and our relationship will be ruined. Everything in our relationship is secret.

He chocked me until I was gasping for air when he realized Amora knows. He said I shouldn't tell our secrets to other people. I don't blame him on that one though. I already fucked it up by telling Ned. I hope he doesn't find out.

Ned says I'm blinded by his moves. I'm not blinded! I see everything clearly. I know his actions aren't perfect but I love him I cant do anything.

Diary I'm so sad. I can't do anything. I can't eat. I can't sleep. I cant focus in school. I never felt like this before. It's weird. It's like my chest is heavy like there's this big weight on it. Maybe that's cause he kicked me in the chest the other day? I don't know whatever it is, it's bad.

I feel like crying but I'm too ashamed.

I wish I never felt like this. I wish I never met Ezra. I wish I didn't move here. I wish my parents didn't get a divorce.

Dear Diary, // L.SWhere stories live. Discover now