25.Dear Birthday,

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Dear Diary,
The first thing I noticed were the shoes and then the sound of them moaning.
So I just changed and left early for work. I just didn't wanna hear my dad having sex with god knows who.

Ned laughed at me when I told him. He said I look disgusted. And I told that's because I am disgusted.

Anyways nothing important happened except Ned inviting me over Thursday. It's his birthday. I asked who's gonna be there and he said only me and Harry.

So that's my plan for the weekend!
I texted Harry to see what I should get for Ned. We went shopping after work to get a hoodie that he's liked for a while.

Harry's super nice if I haven't said it five hundred times already. He got me sour patches cause I once mentioned that I like them. Isn't that the sweetest thing?

Harry makes it hard for me not to eat and I kinda wanna slap him for that. But I can always throw up so I guess it's fine.
I'm really worried about freaking out at their place but that's another conversation.

I guess we'll see how it goes!

Dear Diary, // L.SWhere stories live. Discover now