42.Dear Asexuals,

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Dear Diary,
When I ignored Harry again he showed up at my house. In my room actually. My dad let him in before he left for work.

Imagine coming out of the bathroom and having your friend that you wanna slap in your bed. What do you do?

You slap them.

+What was that for!?

-I don't know you tell me.

+I'm sorry.

-You always apologize and I'm sick of it.

+I didn't kiss him!

-Harry I saw you.

+He kissed me I pushed him back.

-So you kissed.

+For the love of god! I'm Asexual I only kiss someone if I love them and I want to show them affection! I don't think the way he kissed with tongue and open mouth was anything close to affection.

-Just stop lying.

+Stop calling me a fucking liar!

-But you are!

+So what If I am? What if I kissed him? Why are you making such big deal? You ignored me for two weeks for something that I didn't have anything to do with and I didn't say a word! You ignore me again and when I want to talk you slap me and call me a liar! I'm trying to explain but you're acting like a god damn child who won't listen!

-Get out.

+Talk to me!

-What am I supposed to say Harry!?

+Why do you care that I kissed him!? Why does it bother you so much!? Just talk!

-I DON'T KNOW! OK? I don't know why it bothers me. I just know that you shouldn't! I don't want you to kiss him and I have no reason for it! That's it!

+Don't cry.

-Fuck you!

+Cmon look at me. Please?


+I'm sorry that I raised my voice. But I swear I didn't want to kiss him. I don't kiss people out of nowhere. It has no meaning for me it feels like kissing a wall. Please believe me.

-I believe everyone and they just end up using me and lying a-and I... I don't want to lose you. I don't want you to leave. You're one of the only things that make me happy and if you lea-

+I'm not going to leave. Fuck everyone that left. They don't know what they missed. I'm sticking with you ok? I need you to truly believe that. I'm not some teenager that's looking for some shitty drama I'm 21 and I know that I want you- to be my friend.

-O-ok. I'm sorry.

+It's ok. Give me a hug.

Harry and I got into a fight. We both yelled and I cried. He explained about the kiss. It ended with a hug.
I wrapped my hands around his neck and he put his hands on my waist. I wish he didn't.

Dear Diary, // L.STempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang