29.Deat Future,

236 18 5

Dear Diary,
Home is not the same. Every knife is gone. Every razor is hidden. Every pill is thrown out. Every lock is broken.

I'm being watched like I'm a baby. They're all acting weird around me. Forcing me to eat and checking my wrists and thighs.

I'm never alone. It's either dad or Ned or Harry or as it turns out dad's girlfriend. Her name is Fiona which reminds me of shrek but I we're not in a place for me to address it.

I dont like this. I don't like the fact that I can't get a second to myself. I can't even sleep with the door closed.

Life was shit. Life is so much shittier.

Do I regret the attempt? I don't think I do.
Cause right now I wish I was dead rather alive with the image of my family and friends that frightened.

I don't know. I don't know what I'm going to do. I just hope I survived for a good reason because if that's not the case I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with myself.

Dear Diary, // L.SWhere stories live. Discover now