36.Dear Halloween,

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Lauras picture^

Dear Diary,
Double, double, toil and trouble.
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
Double, double, toil and trouble.
Something wicked this way comes!

Yes I watched Harry Potter too many times.

Whatever It's Halloween!!

I actually like this holiday the most. Ok no Christmas is my favourite Halloween comes second.

I dressed up as nothing that has a name really. Just made my face look pale. My eyes bloodshot. My lips red and drew some red lines on my face to give it a final spook.
It looked better than it sounds I promise!

I visited Amora first. She was dressed in one of those full body skeleton thingies. It was simple but looked good.

After an hour or two with her I picked up some eggs from home and went straight to Harry and Ned's place.
Yes I did throw the eggs at their house.
We were supposed to meet up and they knew I was going there but I just wanted an appropriate way to say hello and seeing their half confused half angry faces was totally worth it.

So Ned had one side of his face painted like an skeleton and the other side was full of fake blood and stitches. Super cool!

Harry was a vampire. White face and blood dribbling down his lips. Black cape and black everything really. He also had the vampire teeth. Once again super cool!

We walked a little around town a bit. It was fun seeing other people's costumes and makeups.

After a while we visited a pub and guess who was waiting for us there? Laura or may I say Ned's new girlfriend. She was almost the same as Ned it was cute.

I've seen her twice before. Well the first time doesn't count. She's a really sweet and delightful. First year of college. So there's a year age gap but they really match. Honestly I could never handle Ned that drunk but she can so I think they made the right choice.

I'm not allowed to drink yet. I'll be legal in two months though.
Harry isn't drinking much. First because someone has to take us home as Ned's already hammered and I'm 17 he decided to he responsible. And second he said that he doesn't want me to feel weird the only one sober. He's so thoughtful isn't he?

We were at the pub until midnight. Laura took Ned to her place so Harry and I walked back to their place. I got permission to stay over.

Diary today was a good day. But as I lay here right now and think, every bit of sadness comes out and just slaps me in the face. That's the beauty of a fucked up mind isn't it? You can spend a day in joy and then weep to sleep.

Harry made me eat dinner by the way. We shared a burger at the pub. I guess I didn't mind as I would a month ago.

Harry is a lovely person. He makes me feel safe.

But as he's sleeping, I'm crying until there's no tears left.

Dear Diary, // L.SWhere stories live. Discover now