chapter 10

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Alicia pov

Yesterday Amanda officially became part of my pack. Now it's time for school.

I would prefer is we could do these ceremonies Friday or Saturday. But the full was on a Thursday. That means that today is the final day of the first week of school.

I talked a lot with Amanda yesterday. She still doesn't want to tell me the name of her mate but I know her story.

How she ran away from everything.

She didn't want anyone to treat her mate different, so she didn't even tell her parents who it was. Or that she was rejected.

She told them pack life was too hard for her. How the pack bitches (her words not mine) picked on her. And that she wanted more freedom.

She also asked them not to look for her. And to wait 3 days to tell the alpha she was missing. That way she could get away.

And finally she promised to keep them updated. Once a month she text them.

She told them she was joining a new pack. They asked if she could join the pack because her mate was in it.

I was with her when she got the text. I could see on her face how difficult of a question that was for her.

'No, they found me as a rogue but decided to give a chance. Now that I lived with them for a year they offered me the chance to join.' She texted back.

I found Amanda quite far from here. On a day I was going through the woods to find rogues.

She immediately submitted to me so I took her to the camp.

While I was thinking about Amanda, kelsy reached the school.

'What is on your mind you haven't said a word on the whole ride.' Kelsy asked.

'I just wonder about Amanda her mate. He sounded so nice. The only flaw according to her was that he didn't want a mate.' I answered.

'You didn't to get things of your mind. You are way to stressed.' Kelsy told me.

'I have been on a 100 runs in wolfform just this week. I stay the same.' I answer frustrated.

'Maybe you can check blood moon pack again. When you have been the blood hunter, you're always more relaxed.' She suggested.

'Thats a good idea sis thank you. And I will be very careful.' I add with a smile.

I hug her before we get out of the car.

During math I noticed that something was wrong with Dylan. He looked so sad and normally you can barely see any emotions in his face.

'Eva can you find out what is wrong with Dylan. I have a feeling it is wolf related so I don't think they will tell me.' I ask Eva who sits next to me like always.

'Sure I have class with him and Nathaniel next. I can ask it then.' She replies.

I know she is also dying to know.

'Mindlink me when you know. I will go to the toilets and link you first. That way no one will know I am a wolf.' I tell her.

'Yes alpha' she replies playfully.

The rest of the class we spend paying attention to our teacher.

When it was getting close to the end of my second period I asked the teacher if I could go to the toilet.

She didn't mind, so now I am on my way to the toilet.

Once I arrived, I checked if nobody was in an other stall.

You can never be to sure.

'Did you already find the reason behind dylan his sadness?' I linked to Eva.

'Yes yesterday he felt the bond between him and his mate breaking. He blames himself.' She quickly linked back.

'Why would he blame himself?' I linked back.

'Apparently he gave her the feeling that he was going to reject her. So she ran.'

'Any idea what the name was of his mate?' I asked back.

That story sounds a lot like the story of Amanda. That is the thing going through my mind.

'Her name was Amanda Greenwood.' She replied.

'Our new pack member.' I finished for her.

'That one.' Eva replied.

'Did he actually want to reject her?' I quickly ask.

'No. When he laid eyes on her, he knew he would do everything for her. And he looks so heartbroken.' She replies.

'I know Amanda still cares a lot about him. She didn't want to tell me his name because she was afraid I would treat him badly. And she didn't tell her parents. So I am pretty sure they can have a second chance.' I told Eva.

'But how do you want to explain that his wolf thinks she died.' Eva asks.

'We can let her tell him that she did a ritual to break the bond but in a way so it's a new start. And that she did it so he can move on. That she could he hasn't been with anyone since her.' I suggest to Eva.

'So the truth about what happened, but change the reason. And leave out your pack.' Eva summarised.

' yes exactly. But first we have to see if Amanda is okay with that.' I reply.

'Ow and for your information, my sister will tell the rest of the pack later. I will do a spy mission on blood moon tonight. So a few people have to stay up for if I find any rogues.' I add.

'I thought you were going to lay low for a while. After the attack so close to crescent moon.' Eva said surprised.

'That was the plan. But I want to speed it up. I can't stay away from my mate for much longer.' I confess.

'And this will purely be a spy mission. No attacking blood moon. I need something to do. Sleeping is becoming very difficult without my mate. And it relaxes me, something I really need now.' I add.

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