chapter 11

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Alicia pov

Tonight it was time. Time to put on my blood hunters uniform.

Kelsy told me that she already told the pack. Because I am going so close to their borders. And might cross them, we have a doomsday scenario. In case I get caught.

I tell them honestly that I am the blood hunter. And I will make them hate me as much as possible.

That way they will let anger lead them. They won't fully think so it will be easier to escape.

Meanwhile my pack acts normal. But Kelsy will be the worried sister. She will distract the pack.

All in all I should be able to explain. How we will later deal with blood moon is the question.

'Hey kelsy, I am first going to crescent moon. I want to check up on my alpa mate.' I tell her.

'Sure mindlink me when you leave crescent moon. I have to be sure with pack to distract.' She laughs.

'Like I would actually get caught.' I laugh. 'But I link you when I am sure I am out of crescent moon.' I add.

'Be safe sis.' She says.

'Always' I reply.

And with that I leave.

Normally I would never make a detour. But normally I don't have any one I worry about when I am the blood hunter.

But my mate doesn't change. Even if I play a different person.

Slipping by the patrols was easier then I expected. That is something I will have to change when I am luna. I said to myself.

I was on high alert when I was walking trough the woods.

On moments like this I love the fact I have alpha blood. All my senses are so strong. Even for a werewolf. Being a white wolf makes them even better.

One I can see the pack house, I find a place from were I can see my mate.

I found a big tree where I could hide behind.

And I watched Derik work. The longer I watched him the more I relaxed.

When Derik got ready to go to bed, I decided it was time for me to go to blood moon.

I got out of my hiding place.

And I got ready to crawl back to the borders.

But before I could move I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Fuck was all that was going trough my mind.

I tried to get away, I knew I could get away if I killed the guard that holds me.

But I couldn't. I already felt protective over them since I am supposed to be their luna.

Even though I don't think I will ever be now.

So one option. 'Caught by crescent moon' I liked kelsy since I knew nobody could see my eyes.

And I started fighting. I gave them a show so they would think I gave it my all.

In fact I was making sure I didn't seriously injure anyone.

After a while of fighting they got control over me.

They threw me in the dungeons. Well at least I am close to my mate, sleeping should work I thought to myself.

Even though silver doesn't burn me, it does stop my mindlink. So now the plan.

Making my mate and everyone as pissed as possible. Should be easy since I know what can piss them off.

I just wish my mate will understand this afterwards.

'It's your lucky day' one of the guards said.

'Ow I didn't know I won a million dollars and my freedom.' I replied sarcastically.

'Even luckier. You get to meet our alpha tonight instead of tomorrow.' He said smirking.

'I prefer the million dollars and my freedom if you don't mind.' I replied back.

But I was freaking out. I wasn't ready for my mate to hate me yet. And I didn't want to piss off my newest friends.

This was a plan that I liked. But then I thought that if I got caught it would be by blood moon.

And I never thought I would get caught to begin with.

The only reason I got caught is because I let my guard down.

It's too late to change that now. Its time to focus on mission : piss off my sweet mate.

I heard the door to the cells open. I could smell that my mate entered.

'Sorry sweetheart.' I mumbled to myself.

'Hello alpha boy.' I shouted. Better do this good.

Once Derik was in front of my cell I could see it all in his eyes. I saw a million questions, the confusion, the anger, and so much more.

'What are you doing here?' He asked angrily.

'You know I was asking myself the same thing.' I said while pretending to think.

'Hey you hot guard. You threw me in here. So you can explain it to your alpha.' I yelled. I could hear him growl mine when I said hot guard.

'She was spying on the pack house. When we caught her she fought and 3 guards ended up in the hospital.' The guard said.

'Only 3?' I asked shocked. 'I thought I had 5.' I said and I pout.

I could see my mate start shaking because was getting too pissed.

'I can barely recognize you like this.' Derik said through gritted teeth.

'Ow I will help you.' I said. ' I am Alicia Brown, but like this people know me as the blood hunter.' I said proudly.

But in reality there was no time I hated my decision to become this as much as I did now.

'You can't be mad at me for not telling you my hobby. I said to him.

'And why can't I be. How the hell did you even start this. You looked so innocent.' He stated.

'Did nobody ever tell you not to judge a book by it's cover.' I react. 'And to answer your question I started this because a werewolf took away everything I ever loved.' I added.

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