chapter 1

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Alicia pov

It's been 10 years since my new parents found me. I now have a older sister her name is Kelsy and she is 19. She is a werewolf just like me. I found her in the woods in one of my hunting trips. She was a rogue but crying very loudly.

I could only feel sadness coming from her. So I went to her and we talked. She told me that her parents kicked her out of the pack because they never wanted a daughter. So 2 days ago they took her here on a trip for her 13th birthday.

She found out that her parents told everyone they went somewhere totally different. Because the pack would look for her. 'The pack loves me I am the daughter of the beta couple, if only my parents loved me'. I felt so sorry for her, and introduced her to my parents.

Since then we are sisters. I told her my past and that i hunted rogues now in preparation for taking down the blood moon pack.

She understood why I wanted to do that. But she had her doubts. 'You know not all rogues are bad, a lot of them were born rogue. Or fled their pack because they were treated harshly.'

'I know and I want to help the good ones, but how can I know who is good and who is bad?' I asked her. 'We will find a way' was all she said.

And we did. Since we are an alpha daughter and a beta daughter. We made our own pack. Every rogue that didn't became a rogue to kill or because they did terrible things in their pack was invited.

Since we moved a lot we didn't have lands. We went from city to city and our pack stayed in rogue territory. It wasn't the best way of living but our pack likes it better then being a rogue.

So now that I am 16 and kelsy is 19 we're back where it all started. Our parents retired. And i went to the council so that we are an official pack. We called ourself the new moon pack. Because for every one here the pack is a new beginning.

Kelsy told me her old pack was close by. And since I got my old territory we were neighbour's to the blood moon pack. The killing of my pack was classified as a rogues attack. But I knew better I smelled the wolves of the blood moon pack.

But it rained before the official investigation started. So the scents went away. The blood moon pack didn't get our territory because the council thought their territory would be to big.

That would cause problems with the other pack close by the crescent moon pack. That was Kelsy her old she told me.

My whole pack knew what I was doing and why I was doing it. They all had my back. Not only was I now Alpha Brown, but I was also know as the blood hunter .

Because as my hunter persona I always dressed in blood red clothes and all you would ever find of my victims are puddles of blood.

Even from the rogues that became part of my pack you would find a puddle of blood. We also found a way to make mates think they died. Wolves are way more connected to their mate. So they can feel the pain of losing their mate even if they are on the other side of the world.

We found a ritual to give the mate the same feeling, but the mate bond  is still intact so their wolves don't go crazy. We looked for it because a lot of our wolves were rejected by their mate. That's why they ran away.

I might be the alpha of my pack but I know everyone personally. I know their story as they know mine and my beta's. I don't have a third in command yet because I only have a 100 people in my pack. I don't need a third my beta and I we can handle it perfectly.

Now it's time to go to school. Since I am an alpha the council made me and my pack enrol in an school were all the werewolves went. Humans also went to the same school. It was the only school close by so we didn't have a choice.

I heard that both the blood moon pack and the crescent moon pack goes to this school. Luckily there is only one alpha, for now. The blood moon pack alpha thinks he is to good to go to a school with humans so he studies at home.

What a surprise will it be when a new pack shows up. Everyone thinks the alpha is an old dude that's why he won't go to school. But the truth is that I am going but as a human.

I can still hang out with Kelsy at school without a problem because were sisters. Everybody thinks I don't know about werewolves. So when they find out I am a hunter it won't cause any problem or questions.

This is my change to find as much information as I can about the blood moon pack before I attack. I will spare the innocent in the pack. The rest will feel my wrath.

'Kelsy' I shouted. ' yeah sis what do you need' she said on her way to my room. 'I have no idea what to wear tomorrow and you have a great fashion sense' I whined to her. She laughed at me and went inside our closet.

We had the same size and style so we shared our walk in closet there was a door in my room and a door in her room.

In case you wondered we don't live with our parents. But we visited them every weekend. It is easier for us to live in the pack house so when there is a problem we know it imidiatly. Some families also have little houses around the pack house because they prefer a bit more privacy.

All the bedrooms are soundproof wolves that mate tents to make a lot of noise. Sound proof rooms are a must.

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