chapter 5

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Alicia pov

Kelsy told me that there were rogue sightings close to the crescent moon pack's borders.

You know that that means its time for the blood hunter i told her. Be safe Alicia this is very close to the borders.

I know but I want a hunt. I have to get my mind of my mate. And I will make sure that I don't cross into his territory I add. Okay sis but be careful, I can't loose you.

You won't loose me I am always careful. I gave her a hug before I changed into my hunting outfit. Everything is blood red and I have silver daggers. I trained a lot to be the assign I am now.

Not only is my human form well trained but so is my wolf. Snow that is how she is called can fight 10 full grown rogues on her own. They might get a few hits in but they won't bring her down.

When I am in my hunter outfit, I leave. I run until I can hear the voices of my targets. Then when I know that I am close. I climb in a tree and then i go from tree to tree. Until I can see my target. Then I watch them for a few hours.

When I think I know enough, I get the woman and children out. I lock them up far enough from the men that they won't hear any screams.

After that chain the men up. Then I interrogate every single one of my prisoners.

Then I kill the leaders painfully and slowly in front of the people I am not sure about. The ones I claim innocent are then transported to my packs holding building.

Its not really a cell block because I make sure the rooms are nice and that they are treated nice and with respect. But they stay there until I am sure we can fully trust them.

When i killed the leaders. I go and separate the ones I am uncertain about. They who seemed to enjoy the show too much get also killed but les painfully.

The ones I think are innocent go to the holding building. If people in my pack have family left we track them. To find out if the family did anything bad to them.

Mostly werewolves with family, and not rogue because they ran away from rejection. Are abused werewolves, its sad to think about how many werewolves get abused.

When we found out the family did the abusing, or they could help bit didn't. They get killed in a rogue attack. Harsh but they deserve it.

The rogue group I came across now, they held prisoners. That made my blood boil. Because I knew about them from the news between packs.

This group rogues they sneak into a pack and try to kidnap the most important females and children. They abused them. They were able to kidnap a luna and her child ones.

They killed the child and made the luna pregnant. The pack then got the pregnant luna back. After the luna gave birth they killed her so only the child remained.

I wanted to find these werewolves for long but they attack random and move a lot so I was never able to find them. But now I did so it was time for them to wish they were never born to begin with.

I already knew a lot about this group so I didn't need to spy on them for long.
The prisoners would be brought back to their own pack but drugged.

They would be dropped of at the edge of their pack's territory, with the idea that the blood hunter left their prison open and they found their way back.

Even under alpha command that would be their story. Alpha command forces your wolf to obey and tell the truth.

When I was done with the group rogues. I brought the innocents to my pack. And got some pack mates to help me bring the prisoners to their rightful pack. At every pack I dropped someone off. I got a pack mate to keep watch for a week to make sure that they were treated good.

Otherwise we would come and get them again but then they stay in my pack.

My pack knew what they had to do so that I could go to sleep. My hunt took most of the night and I can't just skip school the next day.

I started to think about how I can spy on blood moon, I needed evidence first. I can't just kill a pack. I need evidence for the council.

If the council agrees that war is justified  I can attack. Normally I wouldn't mind how long it took as long as everything happens the way I want it too

But a certain black haired mate of mine made it harder to not care about time. I was also an alpha so my wolf was also very possessive.

I took a quick shower before I went to bed in the hope my mind relaxed a bit so I could have a good of sleep. Since the bond is still pretty weak sleeping without him near isn't a big problem.

It was only a matter of time before my wolf would be to restless to sleep with him this far away. By then my mate would probably also not sleep with me far away. But I need to focus on my mission.

Once blood moon pack paid, then I will explain everything to my mate. Then I would answer all his questions.

Then if he didn't hate me for my part as blood hunter we could have our happily ever after.

Oh god what if he hates me for my hunter side. Everyone in my pack knows what I do and except it. Mostly because they know I don't kill innocents but what if he doesn't. 

I quickly tried to think of something else and I fell asleep thinking about the happily ever after with my mate.

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