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Crystal's POV

I was freaking out a bit, Spark had left a while ago and he still had not arrived at the lake. We arrived at the lake a few minutes ago. We all haven't touched the water yet and we were all a bit concerned. "Do you think he's lost? Or maybe hurt?" I asked as I was shuffling my paws. "I'm sure he's fine... I mean, it is Spark we are talking about after all." Sylvia said. "I agree with Sylvia, Crystal. He's probably the most powerful being in this forest at the moment... we should trust him to return and we should patiently wait here. Going out there might get us lost and if Spark came back here we won't be here, and that will result in concerning him. So we should trust Spark and stay here." Dolly said and she did have a point, if we went to look for him then we would most likely get lost ourselves and the chances of finding him would be extremely low anyway... but one thing is for sure. If he doesn't show up in an hour I'll go look for him...

Spark's POV

I was walking towards the Leafeon now. She was frantically looking around and Frost was hiding in my fur behind my neck as I approached her. Eventually she spotted me and ran over to me and she started speaking. "H-Hey! I'm sorry do you have a moment? MySonWentMissingAndIHaveNoIdeaWhereHeWentAndImExtremelyCocernedBecauseISmelledTheScentOfAPyroarAndI-" She explained quickly but I interrupted her. "Woah woah hey! Take a breather it's okay. I already found him." "YOU DID!? WHERE IS HE!?" I could see that she was extremely concerned for him and I spoke up. "Come on Frost. Mommy is concerned. Show yourself silly." "....O-Okay daddy..." He was nervous, why is not extremely clear to me at the time. Anyway, He showed himself and slowly poked his little head out, his head now between my ears and the Leafeon seemed extremely happy to see him. "Sweetie~!" She used her vines to pick him up and she hugged him as she nuzzled his cheek. "Where have you been!? I've been searching all over!" "I-I'm sorry mommy I-I got distracted and then A-Alex came a-an-" "ALEX!? ALEX THE PYROAR!?" The Leafeon screamed. "Y-Yes mommy... b-but daddy saved me and fought him off!" Frost replied and the Leafeon looked up at me and didn't really know how to react as she put Frost on her back and she looked at me. "Did you actually fight off Alex?" She asked and I replied. "Ummm... well yes. He said he was the leader of the Pyroars or something I believe." The Leafeon took a small step back. "Are you... the jolteon I've been hearing about? I know your name is Spark but you seemed so nice it didn't even cross my mind that you could be... The Spark I heard stories about." "Well... I think we're talking about the same Spark here. So yes I am most likely the guy you've heard stories about. But don't worry! The things you heard were rumours and it was a misunderstanding. I brought you your child why would I have bad intentions?" She went quiet for a bit and then just smiled at me. "I'm sorry Spark I suppose I've been misinformed then. My apologies for acting like that." "It's okay ma'am. You're not the only one to think that. So don't worry about that." "Oh please call me Rose. And thank you. Is there anything I can do for you to repay you?" She asked and I smiled at her. "No I think I'll be fine Rose. At least I don't think I really need anything." "Are you sure? Don't you need poke? Advice? Shelter? Anything? Not even help in your love life?" "M-My love life!?" She giggled and replied. "Oh come on. You and that Glaceon were so obvious." I blushed and looked away and she just giggled a little more and spoke up once again. "Well? Can I help you with her?" "W-Well ummm... the thing is..." I walked up to her and whispered something in her ear and she smiled and she nodded as I pulled away. "Sounds good. I'll make sure to wait for you there and I'll get it done. I promise." I smiled at her. "Thank you. After that we're even okay?" "Even? Oh please saving my little Frost in exchange for just that? That isn't even close to even! I'll be open to favours until I feel like I paid off." I chuckled a little at her reaction and smiled. "Thanks Rose. I'll keep that in mind. But ummm... where do you live then?" "My den is just a little further up the road. It's impossible to miss it since there's no other dens around here as far as I know." "Okay then Rose. I'll see you later right?" I asked and she smiled. "Oh we'll meet again Spark don't worry. I'll see you around." She turned around and walked off. "Bye!" I shouted after her and I turned around as well but after a few steps I felt someone clinging to my right-hind leg and I turned around to see Frost clinging to my hind leg. "What are you doing buddy?" Rose walked up and she heard him. "I don't want daddy to leave..."

Soooooo... yeahhh... hello guys! How is everyone? The long awaited chapter has finally arrived. I'm not gonna keep this all too long. And with this I meant the explanation to my disappearance. To put it short. I read the whole story again and I corrected all the chapters. That's A LOT of work trust me. And it's not fun to me and that's what I stand for. I like to write I just don't like to read and correct. That's also a reason why it took so long. Anyways, that is of course not the only reason. Discord has been busy for me this year. Fun but busy. I met lots of new people and befriended a lot of them in my server/on discord. So that's another thing. But then there's still school and there's family and there's Corona and etc etc. As I said I'm gonna keep this short because it makes me a little sad to talk about. Just know I'll be continuing this for a good while now! So we're back on track! How amazing is that? 😉 Welp. You can expect an update every 3 days or so. Maybe shorter, maybe longer. Also, I want to address some people. First off. I want to say thanks to @TheDarkShine they've been a good support for me lately and their birthday was 3 days ago and I really pushed myself to get this chap out by then but unfortunately I was just too busy. But that doesn't matter! All of you better wish them a really early birthday for next year or a happy late birthday. Also another thing, trust me I read all the comments XD. I love to see your reactions and if I feel like I can react to the comment then oh boy I will. Then now the next person! @CalveeEevee ! This man has helped me through the entire year so just thanks to him. Thank you so so much :3. (I will hurt people if you guys don't check his story out (that's a joke but still all of you better still do it >:(. )) And last but not least! @Tryobyte ! Tryobyte is my new corrector ladies and gentlemen. He'll be the reason why you won't have to read over stupid little mistakes of mine anymore so be thankful! Also he'll be the reason I don't have to correct my entire book again so this won't happen again. Well, that's all for now AND IM BACK! Enjoy the little side story :3 Oh! And also happy new year everyone~!

Side story:

Thomiña's POV

After I asked how I should call her she pulled back from the hug and looked at me and chuckled at me in a nervous way. "D-Don't joke like that silly! You know me! Crystal!" She said. "Crys who?" She went quiet and everyone stared at me in a sad way. "Are all of you alright?"

30 December 2020
10:10 pm
Words: 1398

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