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Okay so before you read the chapter, the following text is going to be an apology and explanation behind my sudden disappearance, if you don't care about that then just skip the following huge text. If you are interested then please do keep reading.

Hey everyone, how are you all? I hope you're having a great day :). Anyhoe, I think I own you all an apology. I'm really sorry for the HUGE delay. The reason behind that are several things. First of all, I had a burn out and every time I started writing anything my head hurt. Second of all, I'm very active on discord and I spent a lot of time there talking to all of you. Please do consider joining the server if you want btw. We're all just having fun talking to each other, playing games and etc. Anyway, the third reason behind my disappearance is the corona virus. My father is a doctor and he's dealing with corona patients every day so he's in the danger zone and therefore my whole family is in the danger zone. My mom also got sick but not with corona which meant that she was in danger, which left me to take care of the house and my mom. It's been quite hard for me lately. That's pretty much the reason behind my disappearance and I feel like I own all of you an apology. I'd like to thank all of the people that contacted me saying things like 'Where have you gone? I miss you man. I love your story. please continue the story it's amazing. I hope you're doing okay.' You know who you are, thank you. It means a lot to me when you guys say stuff like that and then react positively when I tell you what's going on. So thank you guys. For the rest, I'm not expecting a lot of people to still read my book but if you still do, thank you and I'm glad that you like it and even if you stopped reading because of the delay, thank you for coming this far. I hope you enjoyed the story. Now I think this is already becoming a too big of an apology so I'll stop here. Just know that I love all of you. And about the corona situation. Let's make it through these times together. Stay strong and I wish you all the best of luck and happiness. See y'all around :).

Spark's POV

Crystal just asked me if something was wrong and I gave her the honest answer. "Yeah... Look I just thought I heard something. Let me go check it out real quick. I'll be right back." I ran away at a high speed before she could react.

Eevee's POV

"P-Please just l-let me go b-back to m-my mommy." I said. The pyroar didn't budge and he just smirked. "Listen here little brat. When I'm hungry I need food. I don't care what you have to say. You're going to be eaten either way so just shut up and take it." "G-Get away from me!" I used swift on him but he just stood there and the only thing that really changed was that he now looked pissed off. "I think I've had enough of you." He held me down with a lot of force and I couldn't move or run away. He raised his paw and I started shaking out of fear and I covered my face with my paws. But after some time I hear something hit something very hard, but... it wasn't me. I looked up out of curiosity and I saw the jolteon from earlier. There was still some lightning coming off of him and he took a defensive position. "D-da... mister Spark?" "Hey little buddy, stay there okay? I'll deal with this." He winked at me and smiled and then turned to the pyroar that was now further up for some reason and he looked decently hurt but he wasn't angry he just seemed intrested. "And who might you be jolteon?" "Why the hell would I tell you?" The pyroar chuckled. "Because you actually succeeded in hurting me. That hasn't happened in years." "Well thanks for the compliment but I'm still not telling you. Definitely not a monster like you." The pyroar laughed. "I like you, I hope that we'll cross paths somewhere in the future and have a battle. I'll have you know that my name is Alex. Leader of the well known pyroar pack in forest Grotto." My eyes widened. My mommy told me about this guy. She told me how dangerous he was and how terrible and strong he was. "I don't care who you are. Just leave me and this eevee alone." "This eevee? Are you not his dad?" "No, why would you think that?" "Not every Pokemon would protect a random eevee from a pyroar. You have my respect. Now I'll be on my way. Till next time jolteon." The pyroar walked away and the jolteon turned to me. "Hey, are you okay little buddy? Not hurt or anything?" "N-No." "Okay then. Don't be scared okay? I'm here now and I'll take care of you. Here, get on my back and we'll go search for your mommy." He laid down so that I could climb on his back. I didn't hesitate a single second, I knew how comfy his fur was. I got comfortable and I let out a little purr. Spark chuckled. "Comfortable I see?" "Yes daddy. You are very fluffy and soft."

Spark's POV
D-Did he just call me daddy?... I-I'm flattered but it's a bit concerning. Considering I'm not his daddy and all... but I should probably just ignore it for now. "I get that a lot yeah. Anyway, we were going to look for your mommy remember? She probably already noticed that you're gone so do you know where your mommy might be looking for you?" He suddenly positioned himself between my ears and my left ear tilted to the left and my right ear to the right because he pushed them away, I also noticed that he was smiling brightly, clearly enjoying the moment. "She's probably by the tree I like to go to. But I don't really know where I am right now. I just started to follow this really cute butterfly and I got lost." "I see, you're an easily distracted little bugger aren't you?" He chuckled. "I guess you could say that, but how are we going to find my mommy?" "Don't you worry little guy, I have my ways." I looked at the ground and I saw his paw prints and started following them. "Are you sure it's this way daddy?" "I'm sure little guy, look." I lowered my head as I kept walking and he could easily see the ground in front of us. "Look at the ground, what do you think those prints in the ground are?" He looked at it and he immediately understood. "Those are my paw prints!" I chuckled and nodded as I raised my head again. "Correct little guy, good job." He smiled brightly and he looked proud and that was kind of funny to me, he's so goofy and that kind of makes him cute. I kept walking and eventually he spoke. "Mister Spark... I j-just wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me..." I smiled and even though he was on my head, I was able to look at him by adjusting my eyes. "No problem little guy, I'll do it again if I have to." He smiled and he suddenly hugged me tightly. "Thank you daddy." I felt weird, but I didn't want the little guy to feel upset so I stopped walking for a second and I used my paw to pet him a bit. "No problem little guy." He smiled warmly as I petted him but eventually I removed my paw. I started walking again, but when I did the little guy tightened the hug. I tried to ignore it as I kept walking but I felt for the little guy. He thinks I'm his daddy... or well I think he thinks that... considering he's hugging me all the time and he literally calls me daddy. Which means that he at least sees me as a daddy figure. But then something came to my mind. "Say ummm, what's your name exactly?" He kept hugging me and he seemed at ease so he gave me a simple answer. "It's Frost daddy." "Frost huh? That's a nice name." I saw that he smiled but he just kept hugging me and I let him. Anyway, after some time we arrived at some kind of path and the paw prints stopped. "Hey Frost? The prints stopped, do you recognise this area?" He finally let go of the hug and he looked around and he smiled. "Yes I do daddy! I think I know the way to the tree from here." "Which direction?" "That direction." He pointed to a direction and I followed his paw and I started walking. "Hey Frost?" "Yes daddy?" "Do you know how far it is from here?" "It's about a 3 minute walk from here daddy." "I see... say, do you like to go fast?" "Ummm, yes I do, why?" "No particular reason, I was just wondering. But can you do me a favour? My ears are itching. Could you hold them tightly?" He tilted his head but in the end he complied. "Sure daddy." He grabbed my ears and he held them tightly. I smirked and I suddenly started running fast but not my fastest. I was just running on a normal jolteon speed which was still pretty fast. "Daddy! What are you doing!?" "Just running, something wrong?" "No, this is amazing!" I chuckled and I continued to run but I quickly reached an opening and I stopped running. The sight was beautiful, the sun was shining down on us, there was a beautiful tree in the middle of the opening and here and there were flowers and they were gorgeous. "Wow... this place is amazing Frost." "I know right! I love this place!" I chuckled and I scanned the area for his mother and I saw her, she was next to the tree and she seemed to be freaked out. I immediately started to walk over to her.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter! :3 the side story will be continued next chapter. See you all there! Thanks for reading:).

P.S. I forgot to tell you all, but yesterday was my birthday. 😅 Just so you all know, later!

Date: 24 March 2020
Time: 10:43 pm
Words: 1797

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