Just a Talk

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Crystal's POV

"No no no come on! How can I forget to get something for him! Let's just hope that a few stores are still open.... I hope that they aren't worried about me. I mean, I did leave them there without saying anything." I just arrived at square Grotto and I was searching for a gift for Spark but a lot of stores are already closed around this time. After looking through about 5 stores I still didn't find anything for Spark. I was about to give up and figured it might be the best to just give him some poké but then I saw the perfect thing in the corner of my eye. I ran towards the seller and asked if I could buy 4 of them and he said yes so I paid and thanked the seller. I ran out of the store with a smile on my face and headed back to Spark's den.

Spark's POV

"Dolly? Are you in here?" "...." "Oh, hey Dolly!" "Hi....." "Are you okay? You seem to be bothered by something." "Nope! I'm fine!" "....Dolly, you can tell me." "I said I was fine you idiot!" "Then why are you mad all of the sudden?" "Just go away..." "Nope." "I SAID LEAVE!" I didn't budge and replied. "Nope, I'm not leaving until you tell me what's bothering you." "....If I tell you you will get mad..." "And what makes you think that?" "Because you're the rea-" She stopped her sentence. But I think I knew what she was about to say. "I'm the reason why you're bothered aren't I?" She looked at me with a look that told me that I was right. "I'm not mad but can I ask why?" "I know it sounds dumb but it's because since you arrived Crystal doesn't really hang out with us anymore...." "I'll be sure to tell her she should think about you and Sylvia more." Dolly looked surprised at me and spoke up. "You would do that for us?" "Definitely, I might be a new friend of hers but I think she should hang out with you guys too. It's only logical for you to feel that way. Crystal shouldn't leave you guys hanging like that." I looked at Dolly and shot her a smile. She smiled back and spoke up. "Thank you Spark! You really are a nice mon you know that? Sorry about hating you and all..." "It's okay Dolly. Feeling better?" "Yep!" Dolly than did something unexpected. She rushed towards me and started hugging me. I was surprised but after the shock I hugged her back. She suddenly realised what she was doing and immediately let go of me and looked away in an embarrassed way. I laughed a little and her face was turning red. Then I did something she didn't expect. I walked towards her and started hugging her. "What are you doing?!" "I'm doing what you did to me. Everybody needs hugs from time to time." "......" It seemed like she was enjoying the hug but she didn't want to show it. I let go of her and I was quite nervous. I think this is a good time to tell her. "Ummm Dolly, can I tell you something?" "Sure, go right ahead." "Okay, well, here we go..... you should probably close your eyes for a second." She did as she was told and closed her eyes. I changed my form once again and I was happy to see Dolly not too surprised or scared. "Ummm Spark?" "I know it's weird... I'll tell you the story in a second." "That's not what I meant. Do you remember that I can see someone's power?" "Yes." "I think yours is so high that I can't even see it anymore..." "That's probably right, let me tell you the whole story." I told the story once again and Dolly didn't seem bothered by it. She actually looked like she felt bad for me. "Spark... are you alright?" "Yep, I'm feeling fine, thank you." "I'm just surprised that after everything you've been through that you're still so nice." "I've learned to live with it. It is hard sometimes though..." "I understand..." "If you don't mind I'm going to change back to my normal form. This form is quite uncomfortable and it attracts a lot of attention so do you need to add anything or are you done?" "No, I'm done, go ahead." I changed back to my normal form. "Do you know where Crystal went?" I asked. "No, I have no idea. I'm worried too, it's getting dark and we don't know where she's at." "Let's go to Sylvia and then let's go and search for Crystal with the 3 of us." "Fine with me." We walked to Sylvia who was sitting on my yellow couch. "Sylvia, we're going to look for Crystal are you coming?" I asked. "Of course! After finding her we're going to celebrate your birthday. I didn't waste my whole day setting this up for nothing!" "Agreed. Well, let's get going." I said and I walked to my door and opened it. But when I opened it I think Crystal was about to knock on my door. When she didn't feel her paw knocking on the door she lost her balance and started falling towards me. I quickly grabbed her with my paws and we were now in that one position you see in the movies. I was holding her with my paws and she looked into my eyes while I looked into hers. I felt that my face was starting to become red and her face was becoming red as well. Everybody was quiet and it was extremely awkward. I wanted to end the moment so badly but at the same time I didn't. It was still quiet.... I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE! IT'S TOO AWKWARD! While screaming in my head I used my paws to get Crystal up and after I did that I turned around and went to the living room without saying anything. When I was in the living room I jumped on my yellow couch and right after that I suddenly remembered another thing from yesterday. I was kind of mad but mostly sad....

What did Spark remember? And who was that Pokémon Sylvia was talking about? Will Crystal and Spark confess to each other anytime soon? All these questions which only I know the answer of. And if you want to know as well, than you're going to have to wait. *insert evil laughter here* Oh yeah, before I forget, enjoy the little side story:

Me: *wakes up* "I feel weird... I feel kind of happy and... playful? I'm probably just hungry. *walks out of his writing room* "I must've fallen asleep while writing last night. And is it just me or is the house bigger?" *somehow still doesn't realise that he's walking on fours* "I wonder if Crystal and Spark are already up." *reaches the living room and sees Crystal* "Good morning Crystal!"
Crystal: *looks completely freaked out and stared at me*
Me: "Crystal? Are you alright?"
Me: "Okay? I'll see you later..." *walks to the kitchen* "I wonder why she was so freaked out... who cares, she treats me like trash anyways."
Spark: "WHAT?!"
Me: "stranger? What stranger? And I'm missing?"
Spark: "Where is he!"
Crystal: "Thomiña or the stranger?"
Spark: "The stranger."
Crystal: *Points towards me*
Me: "What do you mea-" *looks in the mirror and sees an umbreon* "WHAT THE F*CK!?"
Me: *Is terrified and doesn't know how to explain himself.* "I-I am T-Thomiña..."
Me: "I-It's  m-me I-I swear."
Crystal: "Spark... I think it's actually him... he sounds like him and I heard him come from his writing room."
Spark: *hesitates but then gets off of me* "If you run you're dead meat, understand?!"
Me: "Y-Yes Spark...."
Spark: "Now explain yourself."
Me: "I fell asleep while writing last night and next thing I remember is being this thing..."
Spark: "Thomiña? Is that really you?"
Me: "Yes... I have no idea what happened. But who cares! This is awesome!"
Spark: "You do realise this might be permanent right?"
Me: "well if you put it that way... THIS IS HORRIBLE!" *freaks out*
Crystal: "Take it easy. Everything will be alright."
Me: *Overwhelmed by emotions* "You don't know that! And what do you care!? The only thing you do is insulting and harassing me!" *Runs off crying*
Spark and Crystal: "Wait up!"
Me: *Is ridiculously fast and disappears in the shadows of the cave that was just outside of our house.*
Spark: "we need to find him... did you also notice how young he really is? When he was a human I thought he was quite mature judging from how he was. But now that he's a Pokémon he seems to be around 15. He's also very sensitive and childish after turning into an umbreon. I think that he obtained the instincts and nature from his new form. We need to find him before he does something stupid."
Crystal: "Agreed..."

Release date: 15 September 2019
1560 words

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