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Sylvia's POV

"We're here Sylvia." Blaze announced. We didn't really talk on the way here but he did ask some questions but I didn't answer them and kindly told him that it was kind of private. He accepted that and he didn't speak up again. Anyway, Blaze opened the door for me and I tried to walk in but Blaze stopped me by stepping in front of me. "Before you go in... Can you try not to be too hard on him? I know that he must've done something bad but please... He's still my friend and I don't like to see him hurt. So... can you be a little merciful?" I felt a little bad for Blaze. I know how it feels to be in his position. I really don't like it when my friends are upset either... "Okay Blaze... I'll try my best..." "You will? Thank you so so so much. Well, good luck." Blaze stepped aside and walked away. I took a deep breath and walked in. I closed the door behind me and I started walking through Blaze's and umbreon's den. It wasn't big but it wasn't small either. It only had one floor. When you walked in there was a little hallway. When you walk down the hallway you would immediately enter the living room. When you arrived in the living room you could see the kitchen and 3 closed doors. I walked towards the first closed door and opened it but it was the toilet so I closed it again. Then I walked to the next door and tried to open it but it was locked. Then I spoke up. "Umbreon? Are you in there?" "Sylvia? I-Is that y-you?" "Listen umbreon, I'm just here to talk things out. Can you open the door?" I heard someone slowly getting up and walking to the door and the door unlocked. A head poked out of the door. "H-Hi..." "Can I come in?" "Well about that... I think I'll come out." He opened the door and walked out of his room. "So... What do you want to talk about?" He asked. "Listen umbreon, I'm really happy to see you again I really am... But you just left me... I thought you were dead! Do you have a single idea of how I felt?! I was devastated! And now you just show up in my life and expect me to be happy to see you again and just forget that you left me!?" He took a step away from me and his ears touched his cheeks and he looked away from me but I saw a tear fall to the ground. I remembered Blaze's words and I calmed down a bit. "Sorry, I shouldn't have screamed at you. But do you at least understand the situation for me? I really care about you and I want to be friends again but... if you don't have a single good reason behind your disappearance. Than I don't want to see you again..." I stopped talking and waited for a response but there was no response. "I see... goodbye..." I tried to keep my tears in but I couldn't. I started crying and ran away but then he spoke up. "WAIT! I d-do have a r-reason..." I looked back at him and he stared me in the eyes. "Sylvia... I-I... I ran away
b-because I wanted to see my family again..." I was still crying. "W-Why didn't you just tell
m-me?" "Because I wanted to keep you save. Forest Dome isn't particularly the safest place and I didn't want to put you in danger."
"W-What do you mean?" "I knew that if I told you you would try to stop me from going but if that didn't succeed than you would come with me... That's why I didn't tell you..." I had to give it to him... If I knew he would go I would've followed or stopped him. I still didn't agree with him not telling me that he was going to leave but at least he had a good reason and I... I just really wanted him back in my life... That's why I did the following: "Well why didn't you just say s-so!?" I ran towards him and hugged him tightly and I cried in his shoulder.

Shade's POV

Sylvia ran towards me, she was was still crying. She surprised me when she hugged me tightly and she cried in my shoulder. I wasn't used to getting hugged but I didn't necessarily dislike it. I hugged her back and I tried to comfort her by slowly stroking her back. "I'm so sorry Sylvia." "Y-You better be... you have NO i-idea where I had to go through... you were the only one that understood me and treated me like a normal Pokémon u-unlike those m-mean kids at school..." What did she mean? "What do you mean 'mean kids'?" She started explaining. "You were the only Pokémon that I had fun with... I got b-bullied at school... w-when the only Pokémon in my life left I-I..." She stopped speaking and cried in my shoulder some more. I felt so bad... I was the only one in her life that she could talk to and have fun with and I... I just left her... I broke down too and started crying as well. I knew I didn't deserve it but I dropped my head on her shoulder and started crying in her shoulder. "I-I didn't know S-Sylvia, I'm so s-so sorry..." I started hugging her tightly as well and we just cried in each other's shoulders for a while. I was the first one to stop crying and I wanted to do anything in my power to help her. "I-It's okay Sylvia, I'm here now... I won't leave you again..." Sylvia stopped crying and looked me in the eyes. I started staring at her beautiful eyes as well and we just stood there not saying anything. Eventually we broke the stare at the same time. It was a bit awkward for a second and I saw that Sylvia was blushing and she seemed kind of... freaked out? It was quiet for too long and the silence needed to be broken so I spoke up. "Well, anyways... I'm really sorry for what I did... I should've thought it over a few times before I left... I'm so so sorry." I started crying again but Sylvia came to my rescue although I knew I didn't deserve it. "It's alright umbreon, I understand." She hugged me and I stopped crying because of that. I used my paws to get the last few tears off my face. "S-Sorry about that... I don't deserve you... let alone deserve anyone..." Sylvia looked at me and she looked shocked. "What makes you think that?" "I'm a terrible Pokémon. I left you... I've made a lot of mistakes in my life... You treat me like I'm n-nice but I'm not..." Sylvia just looked at me and I laid down in defeat. Sylvia walked over to me and laid next to me. "That's not true umbreon. You are kind and even if you made mistakes in your life than this is the time to make up for those mistakes. I care about you umbreon. That shows me that you are not a bad Pokémon." "If now is the time to make up for my mistakes... than this is the time to solve this mistake." I looked up at Sylvia and spoke up. "Can you forgive me and be my friend once again?" I looked at her with a hopeful expression and waited for her answer. She looked at me and spoke up. "What you did wasn't okay umbreon but I forgive you. And yes I want to be friends again. I've missed you so much." She used her feelers and hugged me even tighter than she did before. And even though it hurt a bit I was really happy to have Sylvia back in my life. I hugged her back and we just stayed there for a while. Hugging each other...

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