The journey

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Once I was off on my journey the first landscape would be tall grass pretty much everywhere for at least the first 3 miles. After that I would be in a place full of trees and pretty much nothing else special, that landscape will be at least 10 miles long. And finally, if I walked correctly, I should see a lot of sand everywhere, that path will be the hardest part of my journey because somehow it's always crazy hot out there. This path will follow for 20 miles which makes that trail even harder than it already is. After that, luckily, I should see a small lake where I should be able to drink something. After that I think forest Grotto is like 1 mile further and thats the journey I'm gonna have to take.

I knew my journey was going to be exhausting and hard to navigate so I decided to not go too fast in the beginning and save some energy. But after the first mile I was kinda done with the tall grass. "Pffffff, Man do I HATE tall grass it's just so annoying." I said with a annoyed voice. I couldn't stand the tall grass anymore I needed to get out of the tall grass and quick. I started running trough the tall grass with a high speed and it felt so nice to run once again. I love to run, especially if I go really fast and as a jolteon, that wasn't to hard. It's just so nice to feel the wind going through my fur. It felt like I was free and that I could do anything I wanted to. After running for a solid 1,7 miles I started to feel a bit tired and decided to walk once again. "I swear man... when is this tall grass getting out of my face." I said with a disappointed voice. And just as I said that the tall grass started to go away a bit. "YEEEEEEEAAAHHHH, FINALLY, THANK ARCEUS!!" I was so happy because my surroundings after the tall grass where beautiful AND NOT ANOYING...


I saw the trees and the flowers on the ground and just a little bit of grass barely sticking out of the ground. It was truly amazing. I started walking forward. While walking I started looking up at the trees. The leaves were calm and just affected by the wind slightly. It was quiet and the only thing you could hear were the leaves and the wind. It was so nice that I got lost in my thoughts. What am I gonna do first when I arrive? I should probably find the den that I bought to begin with just for shelter for the night. From there we will see what happens. Oh and I probably should find some recourses and other stuff and bla bla bla.

I was like that for a good 30 minutes. Then I realised that I was completely lost. I had no idea where I was anymore, I was still in the part of the trees that's for sure, but since the tall grass I was zigzagging and walking everywhere while I was in my thoughts. "SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT!!" The best thing I could do was just walking in the way I thought I should and while walking that way looking for other pokemon that might be able to tell me where I was. After walking a solid 27 miles I still wasn't able to find any pokemon somehow. At this point I was concerned if I would even make it to forest Grotto. But I stayed encouraged and walked another solid 10 miles. The sun was now in the middle of the air and it was very hot. But somehow heavenly I saw a small pond in the distance. I decided to take a brake by the pond, drink something and sit against a tree in the shadow.

After resting for 30 minutes I heard a loud "TUNK". A tree on the other side of the pond shook and a few bird like Pokemon flew away from the tree. The loud TUNK scared me for a bit, but then I decided to check out what it was. I walked to the tree, peeked my head around the corner, let out a little gasp and what I saw was concerning to say the least.....

Oh no! A cliffhanger. I'm sorry to keep you guys like this, but I promise next chapter will be good. I know the story right now is kinda boring but I firstly gotta get the story going for a bit. So yeah, it will get better though I promise. Anyhow, later.

812 words.
P.S sry for the short chap it was quite boring when I read it so I made it shorter, next chap will be longer.

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