The walk

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I woke up from my nice and comfy bed. Still pretty tired after that long rest. I looked at the clock on my nightstand and the time read 11:30....... "11:30!!!!!!" HOW LONG HAVE I BEEN ASLEEP FOR!!? I was wide awake now. I got out of my bed and ran to the mirror in my room."God I look awful."

I rushed to the shower and took a shower of 15 minutes. "Why does showering feel so good." I said disappointed in myself. I rushed downstairs into my kitchen, looked for some berries but the only ones I could find were oran berries. "Hmpf... no pecha berries." I ate the oran berries, drank some water, went into the living room and sat down on my couch.

The living room was not big, but also not small. The living room was mostly light blue and on some places dark blue. I was happy with my house. I've lived here for 10 years now and I really do enjoy it.

"Well I think it's about time that I started the day..." I got up from the couch walked to my front door and went outside. It was a beautiful day, the sky was light blue, the sun was shining and the day was bright. I closed my eyes took a deep breath through my nose and let out a big "Ahhhh, Since it's so nice outside let's go for a walk for once." And so I did go for a walk. I decided to do a walk of a mile or 3.

I started walking to the right since there was the trail. The trail existed of a small dirt path and to the left and right there were trees. I enjoyed the silence while I was walking. I looked around a bit but then got caught up in my thoughts.

What shall I do today? Maybe I should just hangout with Sylvia or Dolly? .... Nah don't feel like it today.... I feel like doing something sporty.

Exactly at that moment I heard someone calling from behind."Hey Crystal!" I turned around to see Sylvia, who is a Sylveon, run towards me. "Oh hey! Good morning Sylvia." I said with a bright smile. "Good morning Crystal, so how's it going today, any plans?" "Well yes, I was planning to do something sporty today and do you have any plans?" "Yep, Dolly asked me if I could help her with something today, she still hasn't told me what though. Well anyway, I was running because I am running late. Soooo... bye bye!" "Bye bye, oh yeah and before I forget, I have nothing to do tomorrow soooo would you like to stumble by tomorrow at 1:00 pm?" "Yeah sure sounds like fun! Well I'll see you tomorrow!" "Okay, laters." "Laters!" And after she said that she ran of. I looked after her until she turned around the corner and ran out of sight.

Okay so what kind of a sporty thing shall I do? ....... Oh I know! Since I am already walking why not go off trail for a bit.

Then I turned to the right and walked into the wild. After walking for what I think was about a mile, I came across a beautiful flower field full of roses and other kinds of flowers. I saw some yellow flowers and also some light blue ones. I began sniffing the roses and the yellow, light blue flowers. "They all smell so nice!" I decided to sit down in the middle of the field and enjoy the silence.

That was until the silence was broken by a angry beedrill. "Hey! What do you think you're doing in our territory!?" Other beedrills started to surround me. "O-oh I-I'm s-s-so sorry sir I-I didn't mean to. I'll leave now." I was so scared at that moment that I couldn't speak normally and started to stutter insanely. I tried to walk away but the beedrill stepped in front of me. I took a few steps back that caused me to bump into another beedrill. "Sorry hun, but nobody enters this territory unpunished." He then used toxic on me and he successfully poisoned me. I did some quick thinking and decided to use hail. I did this since my ability was snow cloak. With my ability I was able to sneak away out of the field and started running away. "THERE SHE IS!" Said one of the beedrills. And they started pursuing me. Luckily they weren't that fast in the forest landscape but I was. I was running as fast as I possibly could and still kept running for a while after I didn't see them anymore.

I looked back one last time and didn't see them anymore I turned my head back and saw a fallen log as I was still running. I tried to jump but it was to late, my front-left paw hit the log hard and I made a flip in the air, I landed hard on a few of my ribs, made another flip in the air and then hit my head hard on a tree. A loud "TUNK" was heard and I just lied there poisoned and severely hurt. My head hurt like hell, so did my ribs and to top it off I also hurt my front-left paw badly.

I heard something or someone walking over to me but I was hurt so bad that I couldn't stay conscious and I closed my eyes. The last thing I heard was a small gasp and then I went unconscious.....

So do you guys see where this is going😏?Anyway I hoped you enjoyed the chapter. In this next P.S I'm gonna tell you about the updates the upcoming few days so read that if you want to. Well here we go😅.

P.S: I'm currently on vacation in the United States and I'm travelling a lot and I don't really have anything else to do when I'm in the car so I can write a lot. So yeah that's the good news now the bad news. I sometimes don't have wi fi. So maybe I won't be able to upload everyday but I will at least once in 2 days or at least try to do that. Oki doki later!

Oh and I almost forgot I'm gonna apply the date of the release of a chapter.

1085 words
Release date: 13 August 2019

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