The friendly battle

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Crystal's POV

"Do you have any idea who could be at your door at this time? We didn't even have the chance to eat." Spark asked me. "No clue, but let's find out!" I ran downstairs with Spark following me. When we arrived at my door I looked through the window next to my front door. "Oh, I think it's meeting time!" I said with a smile on my face. "Meeting time?" Spark looked confused. I opened my door. "Hi guys!" "Hey Crysty! How are your wounds?" Sylvia asked "Great! I don't really feel them anymore." "That's great news! And how's Spark doing?" Dolly asked. At that moment Spark appeared behind me. He had a confused face. "Uhhhhh, I'm fine?" "Oh, hehe, sorry. This must be weird for you. We aided you yesterday when you were hurt, that's how we know you. Oh and before I forget, I'm Sylvia, nice to meet you." Sylvia stretched out 1 of her feelers towards Spark. Spark shook his paw with the feeler. "Well, I guess you already know buuuuuuut I'm Spark, nice to meet you too." He smiled towards Sylvia and she returned one. Dolly then walked over to us. "And I'm Dolly, nice to meet you!" She put her paw towards him and Spark did the same but when only the tips of their paws touched Dolly took a big jump back with fear in her eyes. "Umm, are you ok?" Spark asked. We all 3 looked concerned towards Dolly, but then she was able to say "H-how the hell did you get that strong?!" I forgot that Dolly can sense someone's strength. I have never seen her so scared of someone. "Well, I went through lot of training with my dad, the training was also on a pretty high level, but I promise there's no reason to be scared of me." Dolly calmed down a bit. "O-okay... it's just that I never sensed such a huge strength within someone... You see, I have the ability to sense someone's power somehow. So I got scared for a second when I sensed yours. Sorry about that." "No problem, I guess? But am I that strong then? Back in forest Dome it wasn't all that special." "Forest Dome?!" Both Dolly and Sylvia said simultaneously. "Are you 2 okay?" Spark asked. "Crystal are you sure this guy is save?!" Sylvia asked concerned. "I mean he only saved my life TWICE so no I don't think we can trust him." I said sarcastically. They knew I was annoyed when I am sarcastic. "No offence taken by the way." Spark said with a smile. "Umm, sorry Spark." Sylvia said. "Yeahhh....." Dolly added. "Is there really something bad about forest Dome or something? I mean, I know almost nobody lives there but for the rest there doesn't seem to be something special about that place." "Spark... that place is the most dangerous place we know... literally only REALLY strong Pokémon live there." Dolly said with a confused look on her face. "Oh, well I had no idea, sorry for creeping you guys out, I didn't mean to." "It's fine Spark there should be no reason for us to be scared anyway, you seem nice!" Sylvia said. "Thanks Sylvia, you and Dolly seem nice as well." "Thanks Spark! Anyway, this might be a weird question but would you like to battle me?" Dolly asked. "Sure, I'm always open for a battle!"

And like that we walked towards an empty field with trees all around. "So why do you want to battle me anyways?" "Well, me and Sylvia are quite the battlers ourselves, we like to battle anyone that's strong." "And that's exactly why I wanna battle you after you battled against Dolly!" Sylvia added. "Okay, fine with me." "You sure that you wanna do this now Spark? You were on the brink of death yesterday." "Don't worry Crystal, I feel fine." "Okay, if you say so."

We arrived at the battle terrain and Spark was on 1 side and Dolly on the other side. "Are you ready Dolly?" "Yep, let's do this, good luck Spark." "Thanks, lady's first." "Aha, I see, you might be strong Spark but don't underestimate me." "I'm not, I just wanna see how strong you are." Spark said. And like that they began battling. Dolly began with using hydro pump on Spark but Spark easily dodged it. Spark then gave a 'come at me' look towards Dolly. Dolly then used surf, hitting Spark and all her surroundings. Dolly had a smirk on her face but it quickly vanished after she saw the trees behind Spark fell over but Spark was just still standing there like nothing hit him. "Ah come on, my fur is all wet now!" Spark shook the water out of his fur, jumped up and fired a shadow ball at Dolly. Dolly tried to dodge it but the attack was coming in fast and it hit her. A sand cloud covered the sight of Dolly and when it vanished we saw Dolly unconscious and hurt. "Dolly!" I screamed. Both me and Sylvia ran towards her, followed by Spark. "Are you okay?!" We got no response from her... she was knocked out cold. Sylvia wrapped her feelers around Dolly and they started glowing. The bruises on her body vanished and she slowly started opening her eyes. "Are you okay?!" Spark asked concerned and probably feeling guilty judging from his voice. "Yeah, I'm fine, thank you." "I'm so sorry, I didn't know my own power." Spark said. "It's ok, sometimes this happens in battles." She smiled towards Spark with him returning one. "Spark, I hope you don't mind but I'm gonna skip the battle with you." Sylvia said. It looked like she was slightly scared of him though. "That's okay, I understand." Dolly was back on her paws again and it seemed like she was okay. "Anyways guys, I think I'm gonna rest for the rest of the day." "Okay Dolly, I'll help you get home." And like that Dolly and Sylvia walked back home. "I think it's best if we get going as well." I said. "Yeah, about that, I'm gonna search for my new den I bought before coming here. So I'll see you around okay?" "Okay Spark, I'll see you later, good luck." "Thanks! Bye Crystal!" Then he ran off and I screamed after him. "BYE!" He then vanished when he went around the corner. He truly has no idea about his powers does he...... I also don't think he knows how I really feel about him.... that thought caused a frown on my face. "He probably doesn't feel the same way anyways...." I mumbled that to myself and walked back home.

Poor Crystal, is Spark ever gonna realise she loves him or will he keep seeing her as just a friend? Well, if you wanna find out..... keep reading!!!! Later everyone, thanks for reading!

I know this chapter is wayyyyy too late today and that's why I need some time to catch up. This means that there will be no update on August 20 2019. But expect next chapter to be BIG. This is because next chapter will be chapter 10 and we're approaching 100 reads. Thank you guys so much for the support! I can't believe we hit 100 reads after I just started this book for 10 days!! Later, prepare for a BIG chapter!

Release date: August 19 2019
1232 words

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