The Rumor

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Sylvia's POV

As we were making our way to Dolly's den I decided to have a little talk with Dolly. "That Jolteon is way too strong. I mean, he only hit you one time with one of his weakest attacks, that is because he had a type advantage on you and didn't decide to make use of it." I said. "I knew he was strong because I sensed his strength but I certainly didn't expect this." "And to think that you are one of the strongest in this forest.... that's just insane..... Do you think we can trust him? He doesn't know his own strength, he's from forest Dome and he just shows up out of nowhere. That's kind of weird don't you think?" I asked "I don't know. He does seem nice though... but that could just be an act." From there we both thought about it until we reached the center of forest Grotto. The place was called square Grotto. A few Pokémon saw that Dolly was hurt and walked over to us with concerned looks on their face. "What happened to you Dolly?!" A zorua asked us. "Well, to be honest. I had a battle with this new Jolteon in town called Spark..... he knocked me out with his weakest attack, not even profiting from his type advantage." The zorua looked at us in disbelief. "T-that's not possible. You are the strongest Pokémon I know!" "We were surprised as well but I'm not lying to you." It seemed like a lot of Pokémon overheard us since a lot of them began whispering. "Well, excuse us but I really have to get Dolly here home, she needs rest." "O-okay... get better soon Dolly." And like that we kept walking towards Dolly her den. "It seemed like a lot of Pokémon overheard us..... I hope they don't take it the wrong way." Dolly said. "I hope so....." I reacted.

Spark's POV

Okay, so let's try to find my den. I was wondering around forest Grotto to find the den that fit the description that I got. I looked at the paper that I brought with me.

Hello Spark, thank you for your purchase and here is the description of your den in forest Grotto: your house is a tree. The inside of the tree is carved out of course. The inside of the tree is light brown and it has a upstairs and a downstairs. Upstairs has 3 rooms and downstairs you will have 4 rooms. You can find your home by firstly going to the center of forest Grotto, go to the fountain in the middle and follow the path to your right. You can recognise the outside of your den by looking at the symbol we left for you. This symbol is a cloth with the message: Welcome Spark! We hope you enjoy your home.

Greetings from the Your Grotto Den company.

Damn, I should have asked Crystal where the center is..... I guess that I'm gonna have to ask around now. In the distance I saw some kind of green Pokémon. I decided I could ask him or her for directions. When I got closer I guess him or her could hear my footsteps cause he or she turned around and looked at me with a astonished face. I noticed that it was a she and that she was was a Leavanny. I got up to her and asked. "Hey, can I maybe ask where the center of forest Grotto is?" "Um... Sure? It's that way." The Leavanny reacted. She pointed to my left and I thanked her and ran off. After walking for a bit I finally reached the center. I looked at the sign next to the gate that lead to the center and it read: square Grotto. I guess that's the name of the center then. When I walked in I saw some Pokémon looking at me and whispering to each other. "What's their problem?" Not even noticing that I said that out loud. I didn't think to much of it until literally everyone was staring at me with either angry or scared faces. "Ummm, can I ask why everyone is staring at me?" I got no reaction "....Okay?" I walked away from the crowd and started looking around. My eye fell on a berry shop and I decided to go in so I could stock up. When I walked in, a Steenee greeted me. "Welcome to my shop! Can I help y-" she stopped when she looked at me and she looked scared. "P-please don't hurt me! Take everything you want!" She took a few steps away from me in a slow pace. "Hey, hey, calm down. I'm not gonna hurt you, why would I?" She just looked at me confused and still a bit scared. "A-A lot of Pokémon t-told me that there was a new
J-Jolteon in town and that he was e-e-evil because he hurt Dolly." I was shocked at her reaction. Is that why a lot of people stared at me earlier? "I didn't mean to hurt her I promise. I just didn't know my own power and I accidentally hurt her, it was supposed to be a friendly battle." The Steenee  calmed down. "Oh thank goodness, I'm really sorry. It's just that everyone thinks you did it on purpose and that you're evil." "Wait what!" She jumped back at my jelling. "S-Sorry... that's just a lot to take in. Is that why everyone was staring at me with angry and scared looks?" "I think so yes, I'm sorry." Oh no, this is bad... "Anyway, do you have pecha berries here?" "Why yes we do! Please follow me!" After I bought some berries I put them in my bag and went back outside to be greeted by a zorua and a lot of other people that were staring at me. "How dare you hurt Dolly you stupid Jolteon!" The zorua shouted at me. "I didn't mean to I promise! I just didn't know my own strength." I looked at everyone but they didn't seem convinced. "I don't believe you for a second! Guys! attack!" The zorua screamed and a group of a zorua, helioptile, greninja and the scariest one of them..... a rhydon appeared.

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