Chapter 87: I am Okay

Start from the beginning

Zoro sat next to Katsu as she drew quietly listening in to the information being shared. However, his eye twitched when Nami began swooning over Robin for the tenth time, and again he had to remind himself that it was not Nami but instead Sanji. He was certain he wasn't the only one that was having a hard time remembering who was who.

Turning to look at Katsu he grunted to gain her attention, "You think you could make-"

He was cut off as she held up her hand which was holding four pictures. Zoro blinked taking the pictures and looking at them.

"Done," She mumbled, "You just need to put it on the correct person."

He nodded, trying to remember when she had drawn the pictures. "How'd you know what I was about to ask?"

She glanced up at him with a raised eyebrow, "You made the face each time Sanji made a comment, then you looked confused because it was Nami not Sanji, only to remember who Sanji currently is in. Figured you would want that to help remind you, as well as the rest of the crew."

He hummed in thought, looking back down at the pictures. Though he knew they had been done quickly, they pictures looked far from being done fast. Perhaps the most amusing to him was the hearts in Sanji's eyes, which Zoro always commented was Sanji looking at his most idiotic.

He couldn't wait to slap that on Nami's face.

Hearing Zoro's snickering, Katsu figured he had finally seen Sanji's face she had drawn. Having heard him swoon over Robin more than once, and given how he was in Nami's body and having made inappropriate actions, Katsu drew him at his stupidest looking. Of course she also knew Zoro would get a kick out of it. Given how happy he was when she drew him looking similar for his wanted bounty poster under Zoro's request.

Though she supposed Zoro was more satisfied then because that picture will be posted for the whole world to see. She was simply happy to see that god awful monstrosity be replaced by an actual picture.

Hearing the comments about the Doctors, which were referred to as master, Katsu had to shove her head deeper into her sketchbook. She didn't want to hear the demented experiment centaur praise the doctor which has tormented not only her, but also the children and plenty of others.

The memory was too fresh.

It only reminded her that she wanted off of this island. She didn't want to remember anything else from the memories lost. That much was made clear when she remembered just that little bit.

Of course to make it all worse, she had totally broken down in front of her Captain. That wouldn't even have been on the list of the last thing she wanted to ever do. She didn't want everyone to see her like that.

It was beyond embarrassing.

And it just happened to be her luck.

Finishing the drawing Katsu stared at the image of Luffy standing in front of the dragon, the image next to it was him on top of its head with his arms up in the air in victory. She had plans later on to color in Luffy, leaving everything else without color. The shading she already had done on the Dragon had the perfect amount of detail and she felt it would ruin the picture if she colored it all.

"Katsu," She paused to look up at Zoro who was watching the rest of the crew. "You okay?"

"Ah," She muttered, again the embarrassing moment of her break down popping up in her head. "Yeah. I am okay."

She knew that wasn't the truth.


 Sato absolutely hated secrets.

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