The Dark Secret

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Everyone was there, they were home, it was a nice sunny day, it was summer time.

They all were at Maddie and Thomas's house, Newt, Minho, and their parents, everyone.

Maddie and everyone were outside, enjoying the nice warm day.

At this time they didn't care about anything, they were happy, young, in love.

Maddie was with Newt, laughing and running, while Thomas and Minho talked and made fun of his sister and her boyfriend.

Everything was perfectly fine, nothing to worry about, that is, ti'll it hit night.

They all were in their basement, they always hung out down their, it was like their own personal home.

Everything was set up, a big tv, bowls of popcorn and sodas, blankets, pillows.

They all were watching a movie, it was a decent time at night, they never cared how late they'd stay up.

Everyone was comfrontable, watching the movie, laughing at certain parts.

Until something else got their attention.

Maddie looked around at first, unsure if she was just hearing things.

But then Thomas looked around, as if he heard it too.

"Do you guys hear that?" Thomas questioned, his head tilted in the direction of where he heard it.

"I did, but I thought I was just hearing things." Maddie replied, looking at Newt then Thomas.

"Maybe it's the wind or something?" Newt suggested, looking at them.

Everyone was quiet, but there was that sound again.

It was like a 'thud' sound, not like a sound the wind would make.

"I want to figure out what the hell that is, it could be an intruder or something!" Minho exclaimed, grabbing a bat.

"Since when did you carry a bat around?" Newt laughed, making everyone else smile.

"Since now." He replied, grinning.

Everyone laughed, but got up anyways.

There were three thuds.

"It's over here." Thomas pointed, his face turning white.

It was just a wall, no way three sounds could come from a wall.

"Wait, there's something on there." Maddie looked closer at it, noticing a few names carved into it.

"Madison, Newt, Thomas, Minho." She read aloud, then stepping back.

"What the hell." Thomas scrunched his eyebrows together.

"Wait look closer." Newt got down on the floor, running his hand along the wall.

"What is it?" Minho questioned, griping his bat.

"There's something behind the wall, it's hallow." Newt replied, his hand meeting the corner.

His eyes widened, he started to peel the paint off the wall, revealing a hidden door.

"What the hell." Thomas and Maddie spoke aloud.

There it was, the hidden door, behind it laid something.. something dark.

"Those thuds are behind this door." Minho muttered, looking at it.

"Let's go see what's behind it." Newt looked up at Thomas and Maddie.

"No way!" Thomas protested, crossing his arms.

"Come on Thomas, don't be a wimp." Maddie laughed, pushing him slightly.

Thomas groaned and sighed.

"Fine, but only for a few minutes." Thomas grumbled, getting down on the floor.

Newt pushed the door open, revaling nothing but darkness.

"Anyone got a flashlight?" Newt questioned, looking back at everyone.

Maddie handed him one, he quickly turned the light on to see it revealed a lot more than it lead on.

There were halls, rooms, it was strange.

Everyone slowly pilled into the room, it was big enough that you could stand and walk around in.

"What the hell is this place?" Newt spoke up, shining the flashlight around.

"I don't know, but I have a bad feeling." Thomas mumbled, looking around.

Maddie grabbed Thomas's arm and smiled.

"It's okay." She looked at him and smiled.

There was a different sound that quickly caught their attention.


Dripping. Water.

"This is so creepy." Minho spoke, looking around.

"The thuds are down here." Newt shinned the flashlight at the area.

There was nothing there, except one thing.

A book.

"That has to be it." Minho blurted out.

"That has to be what is causing the sound!" He exclaimed.

"But how." Maddie spoke up, staring at the book.

"G-Guys.." Thomas studdered, shaking slightly.

Everyone looked at where his gaze was and they all froze with fear.

There was a dark shadow.

"Run!" Maddie yelled, sprinting back to the door, everyone following behind.

The shadow figure followed after them, you could hear it's insane laughter.

"Hurry!" Thomas yelled, his grip on Maddie tight pulling her through the door.

Only to be followed by Newt and Minho.

Minho instantly shut the door, locking, putting the paint back on, everything.

That was a dark room, and they just opened it.


Thomas awoke, his breathing heavy, sweating, shaking.

"Thomas.. Thomas.. Are you okay?" Maddie held his hand and looked at him in concern.

"The shadow.." He murmured, shaking still.

"The shadow?" Newt questioned, looking at Minho.

"The shadow figure.." Thomas whispered, looking at them all.

"It's back." He spoke quietly, then fell back against the pillow.

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