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Maddies POV.

Today was the last day, last day in the Glade last day in the Maze, the last day with all these Gladers.

Today was the day, I gave the code to Thomas.

The code that he knew where it went, the code that he's been trying to pressure out of her for days.

She was asleep beside Newt, he held her protectively in his arms. Minho held Thomas tight in his arms too, Minho and Thomas just started dating a few days ago and he wasn't gonna let him get away.

The sky was still grey, no sun coming out, it was as if it was a sign for death.

Everyone soon woke up, they all looked at eachother. No words came out, they knew what they had to do.

They all got their weapons, as much as they could hold, they grabbed bottles of water and a few snacks to place in a few pockets.

Maddie hugged Newt tightly, he smiled softly at her and kissed her sweetly. Minho looked at them then back at Thomas who was nervous. He walked up to him and gave him a hug.

"Everyone ready?" Minho spoke up, everyone nodded.

"Maddie tell Thomas the code." Minho ordered.

Maddie nodded and walked up to Thomas, she whispered it in his ear as if it was still a secret to the rest.

His eyes went wide for a moment and you could tell it was a code he already knew, but never thought of it.

Everyone started to walk out towards the Maze.

Newt had Maddie by his side and Minho stood with Thomas.

"Okay everyone needs to follow Thomas because he knows where to go." Minho spoke, then paused.

"We have to go to the Griever hole, that's where you can go to put the code in to shut all the Grievers down and get out of here." Thomas spoke up.

Everyone stood there, panick and fear filled there eyes, but they still stood there.

"Let's go!" Minho shouted and everyone started to run in, following Thomas, Minho, Maddie and Newt.

They ran for about 45 minutes until they reached the hole.

Then they heard a noise.

The Grievers.

They all came out from the hole, it was now the time to shine and to what they've been wanting to do for a long time.

The Grievers ran at them, trying to kill.

Everyone fought, they used every weapon they could to kill the angry Grievers.

Newt and Maddie worked together to defeat about 2-3 Grievers at a time, as Minho distracted one for Thomas to jump down into the hole.

"Hurry up Thomas!" Maddie shouted.

Thomas frantically tried to type in the code, the sound of people dying and machines dying at the same time.

Dead bodies lying around, blood everywhere, some dead Grievers laying on the ground.

But then, as if on cue, the Grievers started to power down, they all fell to the ground.

Everyone began to cheer, but, as if a tidal wave hit everything sunk in.

About 50 people fought against the Grievers and now about 25 were left.

This battle was life and death and everyone did it, but lost a lot in a process.

Everyone jumped down into the Griever hole and found Thomas, he was overwhelmed that he actually did it.

"Alright everyone, let's bloody get out of here." Newt breathed out, pulling Maddie close.

"Where do we go to get out Thomas?" Minho spoke up.

"We take this hallway and I think that's the way out." He said as if he was unsure himself, he didn't actually think this whole plan would work.

They walked down the hallway, took a few turns till they saw a light above a doorway.

They walked up to the door and it clearly stated.


Everyone stared at eachother, dumbfounded that after all this time the way to get out was an exit sign.

"A shucking exit sign? Really?" Minho groaned and Newt, Thomas, and Maddie just laughed.

They did it, they truely did defeat the great maze.

And with that, they opened the door and got out, pure freedom was all they felt, the accomplishment the satisfaction.

Once everyone was out the door shut, but it wasn't over.

This was only Trial one, but they didn't know.

Then out of the blue, everything went black and a voice came out of know where.

"Congratulations on completeing the Maze, we're very surpised how it turned out but we're glad you did it." The voice spoke.

"We'll be expecting you again in a few hours." The voice spoke again.

"Wait what?" Minho shouted.

Thomas and Maddie looked at eachother, even though it was pitch black, they knew they were looking at eachother.

"It's not over." They whispered.

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