It's Like The Maze, Right?

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Minho's POV

What the shuck was going on?

There were so many things happening all at once, it was overwhelming.

Maddie seemed to put a lot of puzzle pieces together, whether they helped or not.

Everyone knew them.

He didn't understand why all this was happening, why it was Maddie who figured out probably years worth of clues in minutes.

He watched as she put everything back into the box, but not the letter.

There was a map on it, a map they didn't see until now.

"Well let's go see what this shucking thing leads us to." He spoke up, making her nod in response.

She took the map in her hands, studying it, then pointing at a direction.

"We need to go that way." She spoke, starting to walk.

Thomas grabbed his hand, walking with him as Newt wrapped his arm around her waist.

They walked for a while, down hallways, through more sand, passed crazy people, until they came to a door.

It was painted dark gold, just like Thomas's key.

"Thomas, you still have your key right?" Maddie questioned, studying the door.

"Yeah right here, why?" Thomas questioned back, raising his eyebrows.

"Put it in the lock, I think it goes there." She replied, motioning for him to do it.

He carefully walked up to the door, pressing the key into the lock and turning the key.

And it did, unlock the door.

He swiftly opened the door, everyone piling in one by one.

"What in the shuck is this place?" Minho grunted, huffing and looking around.

"Bloody hell.." Newt muttered, his eyes widening at everything around them.

They were looking at a room, full of computers, computers that controled this place they were in.

But where were the people?

Shouldn't there be people who control the computers to control this insane place?

That's what they want you to think.

"Something isn't right, this seems like a set up." Maddie spoke up, looking at the boys around her.

"Why do you think that?" Thomas questioned, looking around more cautiously.

"It doesn't make sense to leave a room like this empty." She replied, grabbing Newt tighter.

"We need to leave. Now." She stammered, backing away.

They all nodded and started to walk out when these men in black appeared.

They all stood there, watching eachother cautiously.

"I'm afraid you aren't going anywhere." The guy spoke, pointing a gun at them.

"You aren't the boss of us." Maddie confronted, making the guy stifle with laughter.

"Go take a seat in those chairs, or i'll shoot you." He replied calmly, aiming the gun more at Maddie.

They all nodded quickly, sitting down in the chairs.

The man soon set his gun down on the table, typing a few things into the computer then walking back to them.

"So how did you manage to get in here?" He questioned, looking once again more at Maddie.

"A key shuck face." She replied sarcastically.

He stared at her, a cold glare sending her way, that is until a hard 'smack' sound was heard from within the room.

Maddie let out a cry in pain, her cheek now red from the force of the hit.

Newt instantly pulled her into his lap, kissing her cheek and wiping her tears away.

"What do you bloody want with us!" He yelled, anger filling his body.

It was bad enough that this guys wouldn't let them leave, but now he hit Maddie, his girl.

"I need you two to stay with me in here for a few." The man replied, looking at Newt and Maddie.

"Why us?" Newt questioned, resting his head on Maddie's shoulder.

"Well, because you're soon to be cranks." The man replied, sitting down at the computer.

Minho and Thomas looked at Newt and Maddie, all these memories flooding their brains once again.

They were going to be cranks, and they couldn't stop it.

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