Hello and Goodbye

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Maddie's POV

She knew something was gonna happen, not like her usual 'something is gonna happen.'

This was different, something worse was starting to show their true colors.

Something bad.

They were walking to the dormintary with Jorge and Brenda.

Everyone walked about a half a mile, Newt holding Maddie's hand and Minho holding Thomas's.

Newt would whisper a few things here and there just to see a smile appear on the girlfriends face, well almost girlfriend, he hasn't really asked her yet, but they act like they're a couple.

He could tell Maddie had changed ever sense they left the Glade. She used to be so happy and full of giggles, but now, it's as if the happiness turned to sadness and the giggles turned to sighs.

Newt remembered when she had mentioned the outside world was worse, that the Glade was better.

Maybe she was right?

Newt didn't know what to think, he knew he'd soon lose her to being a crank but maybe they'd find the cure in time?

They all had finally made it to the building where they all settled into specific rooms.

Maddie refused to leave Newt, and Minho refused to leave Thomas, the guards finally got fed up and let them all bunk together in the same room.

It was about 2am and Maddie had woken up to the sounds of screaming, crying, whimpering and moaning.

She nudged Newt who grabbed her instantly and wrapped his arms around her to protect her from anything.

She smiled to herself as Newt was holding her protectively, that was something she loved about him.

She woke up Thomas and Minho who looked at her confused until they heard the noises also.

"What the shuck is that?" Minho groaned, running his fingers through his messy hair.

"I don't know but I wanna find out." Thomas whisperd, and Maddie nodded aswell.

Everyone got off their bunks and opened the door, just to be horrified by the sight.

Hundreds of dead bodies hung from the ceiling. Were they cranks?

Was that going to happen to Maddie?

Thomas, Minho, Newt and Maddie didn't know what to do.

They just stood there, watching in terror as people took their last breath and died before their own eyes by being hung from the ceiling.

"I wanna go back into the room.." Maddie whispered to Newt and Thomas and Minho nodded too.

They all walked back inside, the looks of pure horror written all over their faces.

They sat on the floor in a circle, not speaking until Maddie broke the silence.

"What if that happens to me?" She whimpered, she didn't want to die that way, she wanted to live her life with Newt.

"We won't let that happen Maddie." Minho nodded and Thomas agreed.

Newt just held her in his arms, not letting her go, nothing would seperate them.

"So far this place is shuckin' messed up, why are we even here?" Minho groaned, a look of pure anger filled his face.

"I think were gonna figure that out in the morning." Maddie nodded but shrugged at the same time.

"I guess.." Minho grumbled, not sure of the situation at all.

"Lets all get back to bed, it's probably going to be a long day tomorrow." Thomas added and everyone nodded in agreement.

They all climbed back into their bunks and ajusted themselves with eachother.

This was only day one in the Dormintary, they had no idea what they were in for.

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