The Storm

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Newt's POV

He read the back of Maddie's neck, revealing what her tattoo said.

Honestly, Newt didn't want to tell her, it wasn't good, at all in a matter of fact.

Was she really going to turn into a crank and die?

Newt didn't know what to do, he just got Maddie into his life, he didn't want to lose her already.

"Newt.. It'll be okay.." Maddie spoke softly which caught his attention.

"Maddie I can't lose you." Newt whimpered, pulling her into his warm embrace.

"I know Newt.." She mumbled into his shirt, she held him tight in a hug, leading Newt to hug her just as tight.

"We can get through this okay?" She smiled up at him which made his expression soften and a small smile appear on his lips.

"Guys we better get a move on if we wanna make it to Safe Haven." Minho spoke up, interupting their converstation and moment they were having.

"He's right, let's move." Thomas added, nodding at Minho.

Everyone sighed and started to run, they had to run because well 100 miles in an hour?

Pretty much impossible.

They had been running for about 30 minutes when they all heard something, something unusual.

"What the shuck was that?" Minho yelled, stopping to listen again.

"It sounds like thunder.." Maddie spoke up, looking up at the sky.

Sure enough it was thunder, but this wasn't any normal storm, the winds picked up, sand starting to go everywhere, lightning bolts hitting the ground, resulting louder clashes of thunder.

"Everyone run!" Minho shouted, as everyone started running for their lives.

Lightning was constantly hitting the ground, causing the thunder to be louder than ever.

The thunder was so loud you'd think you were standing next to a marching band with over 1,000 people playing the drums.

The next lightning bolt hit a kid in the back, he fell to the ground screaming, another kid was also hit and screamed.

Everyone stopped to watch the horror before their eyes. They hated to leave them behind, but they had no choice, they had to make it to Safe Haven.

"We need to take Shelter somewhere!" Frypan yelled, and everyone nodded in agreement.

They all ran to a small building, they had ran about 55 miles and they only had 45 minutes left to make it to Safe Haven.

They all went inside the building, listening to the storm. It sounded as if it was angry they had made a safe get away.

Everyone sat on the ground, blank expressions on their faces, no movements, no words, nothing, just blank.

How were they going to make it in time?

The storm was unbareable for them to go out in it, one hit and you're dead.

Maddie sat there, she was the worst looking in the group so far. Her skin was extreamly pale like white sheets as if she had seen a ghost.

Ever since she had figured out she was turning into a Crank, she had started acting weird.

"Hey Maddie, you alright?" Thomas questioned, looking at her concerned.

"Wha-,? Oh. Yes I'm fine." She smiled weakly but they all knew she wasn't.

They knew they were loosing her to the disease, which wasn't good.

"We need to make it, we have to." She spoke up, her voice full of determination.

"But the storm.." Frypan spoke, resulting to her sighing in response.

Suddenly it went silent, no thunder, no lightning bolts hitting the ground killing innocent people, nothing.

Everyone stood up, walking outside, it was still gloomy and gross looking but it wasn't nearly as bad as it was before.

"C'mon guys it's now or never!" Minho shouted and started running.

Everyone began to run too, it felt as if it took forever to get there, but then they saw something in the sand, like a sign.

"What does that sign say?" Maddie shouted, her breathing heavy.

"It says..." Thomas slowly walked up to it, his feet sinking in the sand every step he took.

"Safe Haven." Thomas cheered, a smile of satisfaction on his face.

Minho just stood there, somewhat flustered.

"We ran 100 miles to find a shucking sign stuck in the sand!?" He shouted, anger filling his body.

Leave it to Minho to be the only disapointed one, but they made it.

With one minute to spare.

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