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Madison's POV

She walked with Newt to the Homestead, it was getting late and you do need a lot of sleep when you live in a place like the Glade.

Newt picked her up and carried her to his hammock, and set her down in it carefully.

"I hope you don't mind if you sleep here." He grinned, causing her to blush lightly.

"Why would I mind? I get to be with you." She smiled.

Newt only chuckled then slipped his shirt off, causing Maddie to blush even more.

She had been with Newt a lot, but she hadn't seen him shirtless ti'll now.

She couldn't help herself and looked at him.

He had a six pack and had a very visable V-line.

He realized she was staring and grinned at her, causing her to blush even darker, if that was even possible she did.

"See something you like?" He teased, still having a grin on his lips.

"" She cleared her voice and looked at her feet.

"Yeah..." She mumbled, covering her face and smiling.

Newt chuckled and climbed into the hammock with her and laid down beside her.

"You look like a tomato." He chuckled and pulled her hands away from her face gently.

"You expect me not to when you're all.." She couldn't get the last part of words out.

He grinned at her and pulled her ontop of him, causing her to blush again.

"This is,-" she began but Newt cut her off by kissing her.

He set his hands on her back gently, slowly moving them up and down her back.

Maddie couldn't help but melt into his arms, she always got weak when Newt touched her or made her feel all fuzzy on the inside.

She kissed him back, her fingers running through his soft blonde hair.

There kiss was sweet, their lips moved in perfect sync together. She was starting to lose air and wanted to take a breath but didn't want to leave his lips.

She decided to take things differently and change his thought process around. She moved around on him a bit which caused him to groan softly.

It gave her a chance to pull away and take a few breaths, Newt's eyes fluttered open softly and his face was bright red.

This time it was Maddie who was smirking. She leaned back down and began to kiss him again, Newt's hands traveled down to her waist, pulling her closer.

She continued to move around a bit, acting as if she's trying to get comfrontable, but that wasn't exactly what she was doing.

Little groans kept slipping out of Newt's mouth as they kissed. His face turning bright red each time.

Maddie soon figured she teased him enough and got off of him carefully, laying down beside him.

Newt laid there, taking deep breaths, his eyes shut as he tried to relax. Maddie on the other hand was taking deep breaths, but was smirking.

"Not expecting that huh?" She whispered in his ear, making his cheeks red again.

"I'm gonna get you later." He teased and pulled her close again, kissing her forehead.

"We'll see." She murmured and Newt chuckled.


We all woke up at approximently 5am, the runners had to get up that early to explore the maze.

First Time Maze Runner [Newt Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now