New Clues

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Maddie's POV.

She slowly moved around, not a clue what she was doing. She moved her hand around to see what she could feel around her, she didn't have the amount of energy to open her eyes.

But then she felt a hand.

"Bloody hell." She heard a boy mutter. She could figure out who it was in a heartbeat, it was Newt.

She could hear him talking to Alby who she was guessing was also in the room.

She didn't have enough strength to open her eyes, she could only move her hand.

"What if she doesn't get better!" Newt cried, Alby quickly got Thomas who came into the room to comfort Newt.

Even though Newt nearly beat the shit out of Thomas, he was glad he still cared for him.

Maddie moved her hand along the bed side and grabbed Newt's hand as tight as she could.

"What the-" Newt turned around and looked at Maddie, then down at there hands. There was a look of happiness that spread through his face.

"Madison." He whispered, rubbing her hand with his thumb.

"Ne-mphm" She mumbled, grabbing his hand again.

"Maddie." He smiled, looking at Thomas who was smiling too.

Newt had a wave of happiness come over his body, Maddie was okay, she was going to live.

"Go get the Med-Jacks." Newt ordered to Thomas who nodded and ran out of the room.

A few minutes later the Med-Jacks walked into the room, they sat down next to Maddie and did some tests.

They said she would be okay in a few hours and then she'd be almost back to normal.

Newt had a sigh of relief and looked at Thomas who's expression was blank.

Although Thomas was happy she was going to be okay, he didn't know if it was safe for her to come back, especailly around him.

Thomas had lashed out on Maddie before and he didn't want to do that again.

They both nearly killed eachother the second they laid eyes on eachother.

"Thomas, come with me for a second." Newt spoke sternly, he could sense that something was wrong.

"What the bloody hell is wrong with you?" Newt questioned, looking at Thomas with sharp eyes that could kill instantly.

Thomas looked at Newt unsure if he should speak, "It's not safe for her to be here Newt.." He spoke calmly.

"And why the bloody hell is it not? I'm here and that's all that matters to her." He clenched his hands making his whole figure even more strong looking.

Thomas took a step back and cleared this throat, nervous. "I think Maddie and I were a couple.... Before all this happened..." Thomas blurted out.

Newt's jaw dropped open and he ran his fingers through his hair, swearing under his breath.

"She's not yours anymore." Newt growled, he wasn't gonna let the new Greenie steal his future to be girlfriend.

Thomas stood there, unsure how to reply back to such forced comment. "I know that you both are very fond of eachother."

"You can't take her back Greenie." Newt growled, he wasn't gonna let Thomas take Maddie back.

Thomas groaned and ran his fingers through his hair. Newt just didn't understand.

Maddie knew a lot more information than what she was telling. Both herself and Thomas knew that.

Maddie, was one of the creators of the Maze too.

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